Hermanas Unidas

Hermanas Unidas combines academic, community service, and social activities to unite and support Chicana/Latinas along their pursuit of a degree in higher education while emphasizing HERMANDAD. We are composed of three pillars 1. Academics: Through emphasis on academics not only do we empower our minds but our future as well...Group Study Halls, Scholarship/Internship Information,Academic Honor Society, Scholarship Awards 2. Community Service: In the struggle to empower ourselves we must never forget about our communities, AIDS Walk/Breast Cancer Walk, Senior Citizen Visits, Padres Contra el Cancer, Outreach Program 3. Collegiate Networking: In stressing Hermandad a family network is created to foster an environment of respect and unity while supporting our own interests and talents...Quarterly Retreats,Chapter Wide Conference, Intra Fraternal Outings, Fundraising Events


Signatories: Gabriela Teodora Mejia-Rocha, Sofia Moran, and Madeline Garcia

Advisor: Pamela R Cysner

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