Enigma: The Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Gaming Club at UCLA
The guys and gals in Enigma run the gamut from undergrads to graduate students and alumni, from the very heart of South Campus, to the statue-infested wilds of North Campus. If you're interested in SciFi, Fantasy, Horror (through books, art, or film) or if you're interested in Gaming (video game, card games, board games) - even just a tad, you'll find a home with us. Come join us and hang out, and see one of the best kept secrets on campus in action! All Enigma meetings in Ackerman Union and Kerckhoff Hall are open to the public and are free of charge. Students, staff, faculty, and local community members are welcome. All meetings include three parts: Announcements (general business plus any news of interest), Chaos (basically a short break to get drinks or ice cream from the Kerckhoff Coffee House), and the night's official Activity. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES Our members run events off campus such as SciFi Fridays, catchup sessions for Stargate, Battlestar Galactica and other TV shows, Movie Screenings, Field Trips, Live Action RPGs, tabletop RPGs, and of course, parties galore with plenty of great conversation and gaming! Also check out our website! http://www.enigmaatucla.com
Signatories: Anastasia Pineschi, Kevin Tolby, and Julia Minko
Advisor: Cornelius Jake Gildea
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