Tutors at Reach
Tutors at Reach is a California non-profit organization founded in Los Angeles, California. Our mission is to bring free tutoring to young students facing financial hardship who could not otherwise afford it. We operate by having volunteers donate their time to tutor children for the betterment of the less fortunate and the overall community. Tutoring services will be available to all students from grades 1-12 who can prove current financial hardship. Our purpose operates by giving volunteers the opportunity to contribute back to their community in a practical way. Tutoring children who cannot receive help with school will have both the short term as well as long term benefits by building confidence, and teaching efficient study methods. To assure we perform our mission with the highest standards, we require our volunteers to have the following requirements: (1) 3.0 and above cumulative GPA (during college or graduation); and (2) successfully pass the subject to be tutored with a solid ‘A’.
Signatories: Ariel Droger, Aaron Jacobson, and Nicolette Shamsian
Advisor: Melissa L Veluz-Abraham
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