Bruins For Black Empowerment
Black Bruin Empowerment has three main goals; it aims to create a community of support on campus fostering friendships that while empowering students to look beyond themselves to better the community also creates a space where students feel supported and comfortable asking one another for help.Secondly, it aims to encourage students to find community organizations that are currently working with the community, such as the Black Worker Center, and support those organizations in making a difference in the community. This partnership will allow for BBE members to engage with community members and see the need to give back to the communities they come from. Partnerships with community organizations will be contingent to the amount of volunteer power BBE can provide to them. Lastly, it aims to partner with high schools and community colleges in the greater Los Angeles community to provide students interested in higher education an avenue of support on the UCLA campus. BBE will focus its efforts in partnering with schools that are in areas that tend to have less support for underrepresented students and are in neighborhoods that are less than ideal I.e. Higher crime rates, under performing schools, high drug use. BBE members will work with the college centers in high schools or transfer offices in the community colleges to mentor students through the college application process and mentor them as they prepare to make the transition to a 4-year university.
Signatories: Julie Ann Mather, Dyimah Hawkins, and Terese Haley
Advisor: Carissa Leanne Requejo
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