Healthcare in the Humanities at the University of California, Los Angeles
This student organization (Healthcare in the Humanities at the University of California, Los Angeles) is motivated to encourage and support students majoring in the humanities and social sciences to work for, volunteer for, and aid local communities in regards to healthcare, whether it be medical, dental, pharmaceutical, and beyond. Activities will include reaching out to and helping local communities to the best of the members’ abilities, particularly in providing families with the knowledge on how to lead a healthy life, therefore promoting preventative care. On a greater scale, the organization will act as a bridge between a modern healthcare system, one in need for social influence and reform, and students who have the knowledge, skills, and interest in aiding the system and the communities affected by it. In regards to the organization and its role in aiding the students, the organization will promote students on their paths after university, whether it be in healthcare or not. This shall include providing involved students with opportunities to use the skills and potential degrees they have acquired in the humanities and social sciences in the medical, dental, and pharmaceutical fields. There is a great desire among students in the humanities and social sciences to get involved in healthcare, either professionally or as volunteers. Getting involved is beneficial to the students as they will be able to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their respective disciplines in fields outside the humanities or the social sciences, where they are most definitely needed. It is even more beneficial to the people that the members potentially help. Students majoring in sociology, for instance, are able to see healthcare and communicate with patients with a perspective that another individual trained solely in the hard sciences may not have acquired in his or her discipline. It would be a disservice to the students and the communities they could help if the connection between the humanities and healthcare is not made.
Signatories: Jonathan Lalezari, Beita Raeen, and Daniel Shoumer
Advisor: Ashleigh Anais Renteria
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