Life Sciences Collective, The

We are targeting students who come from underprivileged or low-resourced high schools. There is a tacit assumption of what you “should have learned” in high school, that not every life science has previously learned. By helping freshmen in introductory science classes, such as math 1, math 3a, and chemistry 14a, we are giving students the support before they need it.We aim to pool life science resources into a central hub that is public and easily accessible. We are seeking to fine-tune existing life sciences supports and help students uncover the “hidden curriculum”. There is certain knowledge of navigating the institution that one learns along the way of being a UCLA student that are not overtly stated.

Signatories: Lizeth Carrillo, Monica Gutierrez, and Tanya Chirapuntu

Advisor: Melissa L Veluz-Abraham

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