- 12/9 New test SOLE org to re- register
- 314 Action@UCLA 314 Action @ UCLA is a nonprofit organization committed to fostering STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) understanding and values in our community. We are advocated for scientific...
- 3D4E at UCLA 3D4E at UCLA is the Bruin chapter of 3D 'for' Everyone. Our club encourages both cross-discipline collaboration in group projects and pursuit of individual interests. We use fun projects to help...
- Access Granted The purpose of Students for Access at UCLA is to educate the UCLA students on the injustices that exist in the American education system. Students for Access at UCLA will be a forum for students to...
- Active Minds Active Minds is a organization dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and reducing the stigma around mental health across college campuses through events and workshops.
- Adelante Tutorial Program Adelanté Tutorial Program program was created in 1997 by the Latino Business Student Association (LBSA). For the past 19 years, Adelanté has outreached to the Bell Gardens community with the goal of...
- Advancing Women in Science and Engineering Advancing Women in Science and Engineering (AWiSE) was initiated in response to the dichotomy that within the professional sector women are less likely to enter science and engineering careers, are...
- Afrikan Education Project Our mission is to foster awareness of Afrikan history, culture, and consciousness on the UCLA campus and within the Greater Los Angeles Community. Our aim is to raise self-esteem and encourage K-16...
- AIDS Ambassadors at UCLA The AIDS Ambassadors and their partners, the UCLA AIDS Institute and the Art|Global Health Center, are committed to the global eradication of HIV/AIDS transmission. Thinking globally and acting...
- Algorithmic Trading at UCLA Algorithmic Trading at UCLA meets regularly to come up with new algorithms for testing, as well as come up with new statistical methods that can better predict future trades in the market. Rather...
- Alliance through Intergroup Dialogue A diverse group of students dedicated to expanding the available opportunities to get involved with the Intergroup Relations Program at UCLA through out-of-classroom training, involvement with the...
- ALPFA We aim to expand the opportunities for underrepresented students who seek careers in accounting, finance, business and related fields by empowering them to develop as leaders through the management...
- Animals for Science Kindness We are looking at the role animals play in science research at UCLA and we seek to empower students to understand if there are more humane methods to achieve scientific knowledge! By studying the...
- Applied Research Graduate Scholarship Organization (ARGSO) @ UCLA ARGSO@UCLA is dedicated to conducting peer-reviewed scholarly applied research on the international student community at UCLA. The organization is comprised of undergraduate and graduate students as...
- Armenian Pre-Law Student Association Armenian Pre-Law Student Association strives to give UCLA undergraduate students the opportunity to learn about requirements for successful admission to law school and the profession of law. APLSA...
- Armenian Students' Association at UCLA The Armenian Students' Association (ASA) at UCLA was founded in 1945 and strives to internally create a safe community space for its membership through a variety of cultural, social, and activist...
- Armenians for Health Advancement at UCLA AHA at UCLA is dedicated to providing resources to help students succeed in their pre-med and pre-health career paths through networking, mentorship, and clinical experiences. Our mission is to...
- Artificial Intelligence at UCLA AI at UCLA is the premier artificial intelligence and machine learning club at UCLA. We throw workshops and also hold reading groups!
- Asia Development Forum ADF’s role is to develop deep and trusting personal relationships among Asian and non-Asian university students and lifelong fellowship. Over the last decade, Asia and the rest of the world have...
- Asian American Tutorial Project (AATP) AATP works with USC and Occidental College to tutor and mentor the children of Castelar Elementary School, who are recommended by the teachers for primarily academic needs, in Los Angeles Chinatown....
- Asian Pacific Islander Student Affairs Network The Asian Pacific Islander Student Affairs Network (API-SAN) is a group of staff and campus professionals employed at the University of California, Los Angeles. API-SAN's mission is to bridge campus...
- Association for Computing Machinery ACM is the largest computer science student organization at UCLA. We welcome students of all different backgrounds, interests, and skill levels to join our community and share in our passion for CS....
- Association of Graduate Counselors and Advisors The Association of Graduate Counselors and Advisors (AGCA) was created to provide a forum for graduate student support staff to learn, discuss, and come together to support graduate and professional...
- Asterisk We, a multidisciplinary collective of students, compile undergraduate and graduate works (essays, poetry, visual art, etc.) centering on issues of social identity into a journal for the UCLA campus...
- Astronomy Live! Astronomy Live! is UCLA's astronomy outreach program run by a group of graduate students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. We visit schools and local events to interact with the community...
- Basic Dental Principles The Basic Dental Principles (BDP) course is an innovative program in which dental students prepare and present lectures and teach basic fine motor skills to pre-dental students. Approximately 100...
- Bearing Witness Bearing Witness is a program started by students at UCLA and associated with UCLA Hillel, the Jewish Family Services of Los Angeles, the ‘1939’ Club and the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. It...
- BiochemASE BiochemASE is the Biochemistry Association for Student Enrichment at UCLA. Our mission is to assist Biochemistry undergraduates in navigating the UCLA experience. As a member of BiochemASE you will...
- Biochemistry for Young Generation at UCLA The mission of BYG (Biochemistry for Young Generation) is to spark interest among the young generation on biochemistry. Through the lens of biochemistry, we discuss the causes of disease and...
- Biohacking Division at UCLA The Biohacking Division at UCLA serves to promote an evolutionary understanding of human health. Human beings are currently embroiled in a period of great evolutionary disequilibrium. Much of our...
- Biomedical Research Society at UCLA UCLA is a world leader in research and education. To help foster a supportive environment for students involved in the cutting-edge research, it is vital to create a community with mentorship....
- Black/Latino AIDS Project BLAIDS aims to increase awareness & knowledge of HIV/AIDS, other STIs, and preventative methods, especially among the Black and Latino youth. We set out to accomplish this by providing comprehensive...
- BRINGER OF HOPE FOUNDATION The bringer of hope foundation promotes the notion that "students are the engines of social change" through art and recreational activities, educational programs, scholarships and other resources...
- Bruin Counsel Bruin Counsel assists in the mentorship of young students seeking to engage with the community through volunteer work and other extracurricular activities. We primarily reach out to schools in the...
- Bruin Entrepreneurs Founded in 2013, Bruin Entrepreneurs’ core mission is to facilitate entrepreneurship among UCLA undergraduates by providing resources, networking, and guidance. Our aim is to assist students of all...
- Bruin Game Studios Bruin Game Studios is a student-run organization created to facilitate a space in which students can actively work together to produce personal or collaborative game projects, as well as provide a...
- Bruin Geological Survey Purpose: 1. To provide geology students and enthusiasts with an opportunity to gain a better understanding of Earth and its processes through field trips and other geologically educational...
- Bruin Guardian Scholars Leadership Board The UCLA Guardian Scholars Program provides support to UCLA students who are current or former foster youth. Through individual mentoring and referral to campus resources, the Guardian Scholars...
- Bruin Initiative Bruin Initiative was founded in 2007 to encourage UCLA students to actively work toward lessening educational disparities through all avenues possible, particularly by preparing high school students...
- Bruin Intercollegiate Studies Institute The Bruin Intercollegiate Studies Institute focuses on educating individuals on the importance of liberty as a founding principle of the United States. We work to inspire college students to...
- Bruin Investment and Trading Group BIT Group is concerned with serving the UCLA community by fostering the education, discussion, and application of investment techniques to best react to the constantly changing macroeconomic...
- Bruin Investment Banking Bruin Investment Banking is an organization that hopes to help students prepare for a career in investment banking. It aims to teach student the skills they need to succeed, including financial...
- Bruin Linguists Society Bruin Linguists (BLing) is the undergraduate linguistics society at UCLA. Our purpose? • To further educate majors and non-majors alike about Linguistics • To encourage undergraduate involvement in...
- Bruin Medical Entrepreneurs Bruin Medical Entrepreneurs is a student-run network at UCLA. To promote entrepreneurship among UCLA undergraduates interested in healthcare, the organization seeks to provide education, networking,...
- Bruin Naturalists Club The Bruin Naturalists Club (BNC) is an avenue for members interested in natural history to get exposure to the natural and human diversity in California and the vicinity and to interact with other...
- Bruin Partners Bruin Partners is a one-on-one tutoring and mentoring program that serves the students at Marina del Rey Middle School in Mar Vista/Culver City and Inglewood High School. We pair a U.C.L.A. volunteer...
- Bruin Toastmasters Toastmasters International Is The Leading Movement Devoted To Making Effective Oral Communication A Worldwide Reality. Through Its Member Clubs, Toastmasters International Helps Men And Women Learn...
- BruinCare at UCLA BruinCare is a UCLA student-run organization that provides free, comprehensive health services to the underserved population living in the local Los Angeles area. Our main goals are both to improve...
- BruinHope BruinHope, a project of the Community Service Commission, collects monetary, material, and food donations for orphans in Tijuana, Mexico and visits the children at La Tribu de Jesus orphanage. In...
- Bruins Against Antibiotic Resistance (BAAR) Club The widespread use and unnecessary distribution of antibiotics has created a problem of antibiotic resistance where bacteria mutate and survive through the course of antibiotics. Not only have...
- Bruins AWARE Bruins AWARE aims to raise race consciousness among white-identifying students and support anti-racist organizing taking place at UCLA and within the greater Los Angeles area. Further, Bruins AWARE...
- Bruins For Black Empowerment Black Bruin Empowerment has three main goals; it aims to create a community of support on campus fostering friendships that while empowering students to look beyond themselves to better the community...
- Bruins for Israel Bruins for Israel is a pro-Israel organization at UCLA that seeks to educate fellow students and faculty members with regards to the politics, culture, and history of the State of Israel. Our...
- Bruins Reforming Incarceration Through Education (Restored) Project BRITE is a non-profit organization housed under UCLA's Community Service Commission (CSC). It is one of two services organizations on UCLA's campus working with Incarcerated youth. However,...
- Building Heroes Building Heroes aims to educate the underserved community about medical emergencies. Club members will learn to lead participants through hands on skill training designed to give them the means to...
- California Freedom Project California Freedom Project seeks to educate students on the nature of Free Market Capitalism and Individual Liberty. We do so by bringing speakers and hosting activism...
- Capture The purpose of Capture is to assist and motivate students in achieving personal, professional, academic, social, and other meaningful goals and accomplishments. We achieve this by discussing...
- Casa Heiwa and Angelina Mentorship Program Our objective lies in mentoring the youth residing in the Angelina and Casa Heiwa apartment complexes, in the Echo Park and Little Tokyo communities of Los Angeles. CHAMPs provides academic and...
- Center for Language, Interaction and Culture Graduate Student Association, The CLIC GSA is a graduate student organization interested in promoting cross-disciplinary discussion about language, interaction, and culture.
- Center for the Liberal Arts and Free Institutions CLAFI is a liberal arts club on campus where we instill in our members a love of learning and of opening our minds to the great ideas of Western civilization.
- Central Valley Project @ UCLA, The Our mission is to motivate Central Valley youth to pursue higher education, mentor youth to foster positive self-identities, and empower young student leaders in our communities. We provide a safe...
- Chabad at UCLA Chabad at UCLA serves as a home away from home for the Jewish students, faculty and staff, anticipating and serving their social, educational, religious and spiritual needs. At Chabad, all students...
- Chi Epsilon Pi The goal of Chi Epsilon Pi (XEP) is to support graduate students in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at UCLA. This can include social, academic, professional, service, and advocacy...
- CityLab at UCLA CityLab is a biotechnology & outreach initiative started in 1998 to increase biological science awareness and improve general science curriculum of disadvantaged LAUSD high school students. CityLab...
- Classical Society at UCLA We seek to promote an interest and appreciation of the culture of ancient Greece and Rome with lectures, films and other activities, by exploring how the classics manifest in both the ancient and...
- Clinical and Translational Science Institute-Research Associate Program The CTSI (Clinical Translational Science Institution) Research Associates Program (RAP) is a pilot program that provides undergraduates exposure to hospital based medicine as well as clinical...
- cNAfME at UCLA National Association for Music Education is the professional organization for all music educators – pre-service, active, or retired. (NAfME), among the world’s largest arts education organizations,...
- Collaboration in Undergraduate Research Enrichment at UCLA CURE at UCLA is an organization of undergraduate researchers who are dedicated to improving the undergraduate research experience. We aim to provide students with the resources and mentorship that...
- Colleges Against Cancer Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) is a collegiate branch of the American Cancer Society that brings the fight against cancer directly to college students by planning Relay for Life, encouraging...
- Collegiate Networks UCLA We are a club that works with the company Collegiate Networks ( to help give students experience in the digital and traditional marketing business. We work hand-in-hand with...
- Community College to PhD Association The Community College to PhD (CC2PhD) Association is a UCLA registered campus organization. Our mission is to: 1. Diversify the professoriate by preparing community college students and community...
- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) CERT is an international organization for ordinary citizens to become trained in disaster response. It began here in Los Angeles in 1986, and FEMA adopted it in 1993. The program is based on the...
- Community Medicine in Koreatown Community Medicine in Koreatown (CMK) at UCLA strives to facilitate health care and healthcare access to the people of Koreatown and greater Los Angeles. We seek to serve the low-income immigrant...
- Comparative Healthcare International Program at UCLA Comparative Healthcare International Program provides UCLA students an opportunity to explore healthcare systems of various countries through discussions, reading groups, presentations, seminars, and...
- Connecting Californians to Care Undergraduates (fr Hlth Insnce Plned Publ Outrch) Connecting Californians to Care Undergraduates (CCTCU) [formerly known as Health Insurance Planned Public Outreach (HIPPO)] is a student-run organization at UCLA that focuses on promoting health...
- Conning Tower To develop midshipmen mentally, morally, and physically and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty and loyalty, and with the core values of honor, courage, and commitment in order to...
- Cooking & Baking Club Cooking and Baking club is a club that aims to help students learn how to make delicious and affordable meals at home. We also have discussions/lessons to help increase our knowledge of food, as well...
- Cotsen Archaeology Association The Cotsen Archaeology Association is an organization that gives students an opportunity to experience what a career in archaeology may consist of. The aim for this organization is to get more...
- Creative Labs Creative Labs is the supportive and collaborative creative community at UCLA. We organize quarter long group projects, workshops and competitions and host influential speakers from the industry.
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- Dental Education Outreach The Dental Education Outreach (DEO) provides oral hygiene education and offers free screenings and sealants to the underserved and underprivileged community of Los Angeles. The project hopes to...
- Dialogue Society Guided by the belief that there is always a better version of oneself, Dialogue Society is an organization that explores how small yet transformative changes can enrich our human experience. The...
- Doctors At Reach We are a branch of a new non-profit organization that is taking a preventative approach to educating young children of the importance of health and the consequences of its neglect. Our approach is to...
- Donation of Tissues and Organs (DotOrg) Our goal is to promote donor awareness and minimize any fears or misconceptions about organ and tissue donation among the youth and underserved communities of the Los Angeles community. We also...
- Drug Outreach & Education Program The purpose of the Drug Outreach & Education Program (DOEP) is to provide drug awareness to the Los Angeles community. We give self-prepared presentations on UCLA's campus, to students in K-12...
- Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Student Chapter at UCLA UCLA EERI is the student chapter of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) at the University of California - Los Angeles. The objective of our chapter is to encourage student interest...
- Education Law and Policy Society The Education and Law Society seeks to provide UCLA Law students with information, events, and professional connections regarding the intersection of law and education.
- Elegant Mind Club at UCLA This organization examines the model organism C. elegans to better understand its many simple and complex behaviors mediated by its simple brain system. It consists of 302 neurons that have all been...
- Ethnomusicology Graduate Student Organization The Ethnomusicology Graduate Student Organization exists to create an academic and social community for graduate students in the Ethnomusicology Department by providing lectures, discussions,...
- Everyone Can Learn Our intention to create this organization is due to our belief that there is a need for further efforts to educate individual with disabilities. While there are many organizations at UCLA that focus...
- Federalist Society The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the...
- forReza at UCLA A nonprofit that is dedicated to promoting solutions for underprivileged individuals with autism and their families; by providing support through educational and mentoring programs, increasing the...
- Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children @ UCLA FIMRC @ UCLA is focused on education and volunteer opportunities that will help to provide access to medical care for the milliions of underprivileged and medically underserved children around the...
- Foundations Choreography Foundations Choreography creates an environment for beginning and intermediate dancers to grow, train, and challenge themselves. We offer training teams that create a performance set for our...
- Gates Millennium Student Association GMSA is a student group focused on uniting the Gates Millennium Scholars at UCLA, a campus with one of the greatest concentrations of GMS scholars in the nation. With this effort, membership will be...
- Geography Association at UCLA The Geography Association (GA), in conjunction with the UCLA Geography Department, serves the undergraduate geography community at UCLA with the goals of building a strong geography community,...
- German Club at UCLA The German Club at UCLA facilitates opportunities for students to engage in German conversations and creates an environment in which students can learn more about the German culture, history and...
- Glendale Learning Program GLP aims to mentor, tutor, empower disadvantaged middle school students in the Glendale area through academic tutoring, educational activities, college info sessions, high school info sessions,...
- Graduate Historical Journal at UCLA, The The Graduate Historical Journal at UCLA is a graduate publication that features original research contributing to the published literature and engaging in larger debates, as well as book reviews and...
- Graduate Student Linguistics Organization (GSLO) The Graduate Student Linguistics Organization (GSLO) emphasizes the study and the promotion of the field of linguistics inside and outside our department. Our responsibility is to create events...
- Graduate Students for Justice in Palestine This is a group mainly comprised of Gradaute students who wish to hold events and engage in political advocacy on the issue of Palestine.
- Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship at UCLA Our Mission The mission of the Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship (GUM) program is to foster postsecondary success through mentorship relationships between graduate and undergraduate students...
- GSA Vice President of Academic Affairs Office
- Hack at UCLA Our mission is to create a community of students who love building programs that solve problems. We want to make coding accessible to absolute beginners of all majors. We host workshops and courses...
- Hands On Hands On is a beneficial club where students can learn and practice sign language, gather a stronger understanding of the Deaf Community, and converse in ASL, American Sign Langauge. Hands On mainly...
- Hidden Road Initiative at UCLA The Hidden Road Initiative at UCLA is a chapter of a student-run non-profit organization originally established in UCSB. Its growing framework incorporates a diverse group of students across...
- HOLA Project at UCLA, The The HOLA Project at UCLA is a volunteer program that pairs UCLA undergraduate students with high school seniors at Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) in the Rampart District of Downtown L.A. HOLA provides...
- HOOLIGAN Theatre Company HOOLIGAN Theatre Company is a non-profit organization that provides a professional theatre experience for students of all aspirations in order to revitalize, educate, and enrich the theatre community.
- Horn Press The Horn Press is a student-run organization dedicated to hand-press fine printing & the book arts. We are based in the UCLA Department of Information Studies and affiliated with the California...
- IDEAL Leaders Association IDEAL Leaders Association is a club that focuses on leadership building, using weekly public speaking workshops. The workshops are designed to increase members' public speaking skills, credibility,...
- IMHOME IMHOME (Improving Maintaining Homeless Opportunities through Mentorship and Education) seeks to serve the homeless population of greater Los Angeles area with a social support network to assist the...
- Indo-European Studies Student Alliance (IESSA) The IESSA promotes the study of Indo-European languages, archaeology, culture, mythology, and poetics, with special emphasis on Indo-European linguistics. The organization of the annual UCLA...
- Innoworks at UCLA Innoworks is a national organization geared towards promoting interest in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) subjects . Essentially, we hold a free, one week summer camp for students on free...
- Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE is a student organization that provides its members with information and experience in Transportation Engineering and Planning in the real world. We give students the opportunity to see and visit...
- InterAxon InterAxon's mission is to create and foster interest, excitement, and curiosity about the brain. We work to encourage students to pursue higher education and possibly a career in science and...
- International Institute Graduate Student Association This organization is dedicated to planning the International Institutes Graduate student Conference. We are a collective of graduate students in the international and area studies fields who are...
- Iranian Student Group The Iranian Student Group at UCLA intends to unify the Iranian community on campus in pursuit of a deeper sense of cultural, historical and communal identity. We hope to provide a forum, composed of...
- Japan-America Language & Culture Club JpAm is a club dedicated to promoting language and culture exchange between the Japanese exchange students residing in America as well as UCLA-affiliated students studying Japanese. We welcome...
- Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus JLIC facilitates Jewish learning and religious observance on campus, and provides social and cultural activities.
- Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus The OU's Heshe & Harriet Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus is a joint program with Hillel that helps Orthodox students navigate the college environment and balance their Jewish commitments...
- Jumpstart Jumpstart Readers is a year long volunteer opportunity for students interested in working with preschool kids. UCLA students will be going into one of our partnered preschools on the Westside twice a...
- Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma's mission is to be an organization of women, which seeks for every member throughout her life bonds of friendship, mutual support, opportunites for self-growth, respect for...
- Kids in Nutrition Kids In Nutrition (KIN) inspires and empowers our younger generation to lead active and healthy lives.
- Kids Korner at UCLA Kids Korner is a community service group that mentors at-risk youth in two North Hollywood apartment complexes. Our main goal is to improve the academic and social skills of the children we work with...
- Korean Language Society, The The Korean Language Society offers an non-intimidating environment in which Korean language learners can actively engage in Korean language conversation and cultural experiences with the support of...
- Labor Forum Book Club, The We organize lectures, fora, social events, and reading groups relating to labor politics and history.
- LAdino This organization, the first of its kind in the United States, will focus on learning about the culture, history and language of the Sephardim. Ladino is the contemporary Judeo-Spanish vernacular...
- Latinas Guiding Latinas Since 1987 Latinas Guiding Latinas de UCLA (LGL) has mentored students from the East Los Angeles, El Monte and South Los Angeles areas in effort to promote and help students access higher education.
- Leadership Education in Algebraic Development LEAD is an algebraic development tutoring program that will be implemented at King-Drew high school starting fall 2015. The Program hopes to build not only math learning skills but confidence and...
- Liberty in North Korea at UCLA We are a dedicated group of students, committed to securing human rights and freedom for North Korean defectors and raising awareness about this humanitarian crisis. We do this by hosting events from...
- Life Sciences Collective, The We are targeting students who come from underprivileged or low-resourced high schools. There is a tacit assumption of what you “should have learned” in high school, that not every life science has...
- Light of Life Light of Life is a club which seeks to understand God as well as the mysteries of the Bible that many people have questions about. Most importantly, the focus of the club is on loving God, and...
- likeLion at UCLA likeLion consists of a 10 week curriculum, and concludes when students release their own web-service or mobile application on to the internet. likeLion has a simple mission - coding for non-cs...
- Linux Users Group (LUG) at UCLA The Linux Users Group (LUG) facilitates learning and advancement of computer science and free software by promoting the use of the open source GNU/Linux operating system and providing a support...
- Literate Earth Project at UCLA, The The Literate Earth Project at UCLA seeks to address the growing problem of global illiteracy by raising awareness and funds to bring educational resources to communities in developing countries where...
- Live Action at UCLA - Bruins for Life Live Action is a pro-education, non-sectarian, non-partisan student group dedicated to promoting the fundamental right to life for all human beings.
- Los Angeles Student Educational Outreach The mission of LASEO, Los Angeles Student Education Outreach, is to work towards equal access to higher education for the inner-city youth of Korea-town by providing tutoring and mentoring services...
- Luskin Japan Trip Organizers The mission of LJTO is to provide opportunities to learn about Japanese policy, city planning, and culture to students in UCLA graduate programs through organizing and facilitating academic study...
- Medical Education Interest Group @ DGSOM The Medical Education Interest Group is designed to educate and empower students who are interested in careers in medical education with the experience and skills to become exemplary...
- Mental Health Caucus at UCLA The Mental Health Caucus (MHC) at UCLA is a graduate student organization that welcomes Social Welfare students of all cultures and backgrounds to explore mental health practices, issues, and fields....
- Mentors Empowering and Nurturing Through Education at UCLA MENTE is a student-led mentor-ship organization geared towards promoting a college-going culture for high school students. We provide individualized mentoring, workshops, and college fairs designed...
- Mentorship Program at UCLA Mentorship Program at UCLA is a unique year-long, one-on-one mentoring program that pairs UCLA students with youth aged 7-17. The majority of our youth live in government-subsidized apartment...
- Metis: UCLAssics Graduate Group Metis promotes the understanding of how Classical scholarship is conducted in a dynamic setting (the University) in the contemporary world. As a club, we encourage student involvement in any aspect...
- Minorities Against Health Disparities (MAHD) Minorities Against Health Disparities (MAHD) will help create the pathway for underrepresented students striving to become future health professionals by providing knowledge, skills and experience...
- Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students Minority Association of Pre-medical Students, or MAPS, represents the undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students of SNMA.
- Mock Trial Association at UCLA Mock Trial is committed to providing resources for students interested in learning the necessary skills to become an accomplished trial attorney, providing extensive training materials and...
- Model United Nations To provide a forum for UCLA students and high school students to become acquainted with the roles of the United Nations and non-governmental organizations through speech and debate of international...
- Music Cognition Coalition We serve as a network for people who are interested in the relationship between music and the brain. We will be meeting once a month to discuss research in various interdisciplinary fields such as...
- National Alliance on Mental Illness on Campus at University of California: Los Angeles We are UCLA’s chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This group began in Winter 2014, but there are many other chapters of NAMI throughout the country. As our name suggests, we operate...
- Net Impact Up to Us at UCLA We are a nonpartisan student organization whose goal is to raise awareness of the national debt and take part in various forms of civic engagement.
- Olive Tree Initiative at UCLA, The The Olive Tree Initiative’s goal is to promote educated dialogue on campus through empirical and experiential learning. A diverse cohort of students from Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and non-religious...
- One-To-One This organization provides private and individualized SAT tutoring for motivated high school juniors who would otherwise not have this opportunity due to finances or other circumstances. We believe...
- Optimize testtttt Minification (also minimisation or minimization), in computer programming languages and especially JavaScript, is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from source code without changing...
- Pakistani Students Association at UCLA PSA at UCLA is a south Asian cultural club on campus that seeks to promote Pakistani cultural by providing activities to studetns, fundraisers, and cultural events. PSA also is invested in...
- Pathway Club Pathway is a specialization through UCLA Extension for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The program combines academic classes with social, recreational, and vocational...
- Pediatric AIDS Coalition Pediatric AIDS Coalition (PAC) at UCLA seeks to build community and encourage unified action by bringing together our diverse student population through education, action and support in the constant...
- Peer Advancement Community for Teens (PACT) PACT is first and foremost a community that guides disadvantaged youth to academic success during their high school years. It seeks to uplift at risk, disadvantaged teens, giving them a chance to...
- Peers Espousing Amiability, Cooperation, and Education PEACE is a student organization dedicated reducing educational disparities and fostering a cooperative and non-competitive environment at UCLA.
- Periodontal Study Club The Periodontal Study Club seeks to prepare and assist its members in the process of applying to a Periodontics residency, as well as to expand our members' knowledge of Periodontics beyond our...
- Pre-Law Society at UCLA To act as a source of information and guidance for students considering law school or a career in the legal field.
- Project Brainstorm Project Brainstorm brings real human brains and hands-on neuroscience presentations to predominantly low income (Title 1) schools in Los Angeles. Led by graduate students through UCLA's Brain...
- Project Health The aim of Project Health is to give high school students essential and comprehensive health information regarding mental health, drugs, alcohol, sexual decision making, abusive relationships,...
- Project Literacy at UCLA Project Literacy is a non-profit community service organization dedicated to improving literacy rates in the Los Angeles region through one-on-one tutoring. The four communities ProLit serves: Watts,...
- Project Pre-STEM at University of California, Los Angeles The purpose of this organization is to foster/pique the interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics professions as early as possible in the minds of girls and boys through...
- Project Working for Immigrant Literacy Development Project Working for Immigrant Literacy Development (Project WILD), established in 1987, is a student run community service organization in the USAC Community Service Commission that provides free,...
- Projecting Minds In 1998, a group of student leaders collaborated to initiate a community-oriented program that focused on the academic improvement of struggling underrepresented youth in elementary schools located...
- Psychology Interdisciplinary Events Psychology Interdisciplinary Events is comprised of a group of graduate students, primarily from the Psychology Department, who organize interdisciplinary events for the general public by working...
- Public Health Nutrition Club at UCLA The Public Health Nutrition Club at UCLA believes that good nutrition is the basis for a healthy life. Our purpose is to provide nutrition education to the public and volunteer opportunities for our...
- Quale at UCLA, The The Quale aims to investigate the problem of bridging the "fathomless chasm" between the objective, material brain and the subjective mind by integrating different fields of study and introducing it...
- Raza Youth Conference MEChA's Raza Youth Conference (RYC) was established in 1993 to provide academic, cultural, and political workshops for middle school, high school, community college students and parents to motivate...
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- Regeneración Tlacuilolli: UCLA Raza Studies Journal La Raza de UCLA Journal is a group that will publish an academic journal that focuses on Mexican Americans and other Latinas and Latinos in the United States. The journal is interdisciplinary and...
- Reproductive Health Interest Group (RHIG) The Reproductive Health Interest Group (RHIG) is a registered graduate student group at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Founded in 2002, RHIG brings together students, faculty, and staff...
- Reproductive Health Interest Group The purpose of the Reproductive Health Interest Group (RHIG) is to bring students, faculty, and staff of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and greater community together to learn about and...
- Rivals in Harmony (formerly Choral Lab at UCLA) Rivals in Harmony is a joint UCLA-USC chamber choral group comprised of 24-36 members from various academic disciplines, performing a wide range of classical and contemporary repertoire. Headed by...
- Rockin' Autism Rockin’ Autism is a program to help kids with autism develop their social and motor skills. Through the sport of rock climbing, we aim to provide a fun and beneficial experience by helping kids build...
- Russian Club at UCLA, The The Russian Club at UCLA provides a friendly environment for heritage speakers, learners of Russian, or anyone with any interest in Russian history, language or culture to interact, practice...
- School on Wheels at UCLA student group We, the members of the School on Wheels student group at the University of California, Los Angeles hereby establish these by-laws for the purpose of providing mentoring and tutoring services for...
- SciComm Hub @ UCLA We provide resources and networking opportunities for grads and undergrads interested in careers in science education, outreach, and communication.
- Science & Food at UCLA To promote the knowledge of science through food, and food through science
- Science Olympiad at UCLA Science Olympiad is currently the most exciting K-12 science competition in the United States. For the past 30 years or so, it has really shown students what it takes to become future leaders in...
- She's the First at UCLA The purpose of She’s the First*{UCLA} is to promote the importance of education equality and global citizenship at UCLA. Through fundraising events, She’s the First*{UCLA} will provide academic...
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- Silver Lining, The We're a group of young altruistic and passionate millennials who want to make a difference. Our goal is to assist and improve the lives of youth with disabilities.
- Society and Genetics Undergraduate Organization at UCLA Interested in Medicine, Law, Bioethics, or Public Health? Our organization promotes an interdisciplinary approach to current issues at the intersection of science, health, and society. We host...
- Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers provides real-world, team-oriented experience for students through the process of designing, building, and racing an off-road vehicle.
- Soka Gakkai International @ UCLA The Soka Gakkai International of UCLA provides a dialogue space for students to learn about world peace and self-development based on Nichiren Buddhism philosophy. These informal gatherings bring...
- Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Conference Association The Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Conference Association is a graduate student organization at UCLA that organizes the annual Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Conference. It provides...
- Special Bruin at UCLA Special Bruin is dedicated to engaging the UCLA campus in serving children, adolescents and adults with special needs, ranging from medical issues (asthma, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, cystic...
- Splash@UCLA Splash@UCLA is a one-day on-campus annual event where residents of UCLA can teach anything and everything they are passionate about to visiting high-school students.
- Student Chapter of the Society of American Archivists Established in 1996 and re-formed in the fall of 1999, the SAA student chapter at UCLA is an official student chapter of the Society of American Archivists. Our faculty advisor is Professor Anne...
- Student Giving Committee at UCLA Are you passionate about UCLA? Are you looking for a way to have a meaningful impact on campus? The Student Giving Committee is an opportunity for you to get involved with dedicated Bruins who are...
- Student Members of the American Chemical Society, UCLA Chapter The objectives of this Chapter shall be to afford opportunities for students of a chemical science to become better acquainted, to provide and introduce resources pertaining to academic scholarship...
- Student Professionalism and Ethics Association in Dentistry The Student Professionalism and Ethics Association in Dentistry is a national, student driven association that was established to promote and support students’ lifelong commitment to ethical behavior...
- Students for Education Reform Students for Education Reform (SFER) is a national non-profit organization that tackles issues of education inequity in K-12 public schools. Here in Southern California, we focus our efforts on...
- Students for Haiti Solidarity at UCLA We are striving to eradicate the notion that education is a privilege, rather ensure it is a basic human right endowed to children world wide. This is a grassroots bottom-up approach to making a...
- Students Organize for Syria at UCLA We exist to assist the Syrian people in their effort to build a self-determined, pluralistic society by standing in solidarity with them, raising awareness of their cause, and helping to alleviate...
- Sustainable Youth at UCLA Sustainable Youth's purpose is to expose urban youth to local and global environmental issues and sustainable practices through hands-on experimentation and demonstration in the classroom. The 9 week...
- SWC CPR/FA Program The Student Welfare Commission under USAC conducts Heartsaver CPR and First Aid Programs through a committee called CPR/FA Program at UCLA. Providing low-cost Heartsaver certifications, the CPR/FA...
- SWC Student Education and Research of Contemporary Health SEARCH: Student Education and Research on Contemporary Health—our name says it all. We know that there is a lot of research out there on health issues that are currently plaguing college students,...
- SWC Student Health Advocates (SHA) The SHA program has been a part of the University of California, Los Angeles experience since 1974 and is one of many organizations on campus that contributes to the increased quality, safety, and...
- SWC Total Wellness Total Wellness Magazine is a continuing endeavor started by the Student Welfare Commission in the 90's and refounded in 2009. Total Wellness is currently a division of the Student Wellness...
- Swipe Out Hunger Swipe Out Hunger (formerly Swipes for the Homeless) was established as a University of California, Los Angeles student organization in the Fall of 2009 in order to help alleviate food insecurity in...
- TAMID Group at UCLA Connecting American, business-minded students to the Israeli economy through experiential learning, pro-bono consulting, and stock-research competitions.
- Tax and Estate Planning Law Association at UCLA Tax and Estate Planning Law Association at UCLA is a student-led organization created to promote tax and estate planning education and mentorship.
- Teaching And Sharing Skills to Enrich Lives at the University of California, Los Angeles TASSEL’s mission is to provide continuous, high quality English education and other sustainability services to the underserved in rural Cambodia, as well to nurture and transform hearts of all...
- Technical Entrepreneurial Community TEC strives to create a strong culture of entrepreneurship within the technical community at UCLA by bridging the gap between interested students, faculty, alumni, and administrators. TEC serves as a...
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- The Bruin Experiment Founded by Daniel Haiem and Katie Mowris in the summer of 2015, the mission of TheBruinExperiment is to inspire scientific curiosity in the underserved youth through the orchestration of...
- The College Bowl Club at UCLA The College Bowl Club at UCLA is an organization of UCLA undergraduate and graduate students who compete in and host academic trivia (i.e. quizbowl) competitions. The purpose of the College Bowl...
- The Historical Society at UCLA The Historical Society at UCLA is an undergraduate organization for students with an interest in history. There are weekly general meetings focusing on a specific historical event or topic, as well...
- The Modern Ethnography Initiative at UCLA (MEI at UCLA) The name of this group shall be The Modern Ethnography Initiative at UCLA (MEI). Dr. Kelly Kistner, of UCLA’s Undergraduate Research Center for Humanities Arts and Social Sciences will be the chosen...
- The Pomegranate Initiative, Turkey-Armenia The Pomegranate Initiative, Turkey-Armenia is a student run organization dedicated to discussing and teaching the conflict between Armenia and Turkey. The club would bring weekly events to teach and...
- The Sommelier's Club at UCLA The mission statement for the Sommelier's Club at UCLA is as follows: We, the Sommelier’s Club at UCLA, aim to teach and explain the knowledge needed to pass the test to become a Sommelier. As...
- Thought Lounge at UCLA Thought Lounge is a club which organizes formatted dialogues in which 4-6 participants each bring 1 topic, which is of utmost interest to him/her and which s/he thinks needs to be talked about, to a...
- Together Educating and Advocating Community Health To provide the most up-to-date, effective preventive health services to at-risk youth and families in the Venice and Los Angeles communities, while developing a habit of public service in future...
- Tutors at Reach Tutors at Reach is a California non-profit organization founded in Los Angeles, California. Our mission is to bring free tutoring to young students facing financial hardship who could not otherwise...
- UNICEF at UCLA UNICEF at UCLA raises awareness for the children around the world who are struggling for basic necessities and human rights to ensure their future success. We advocate for the world's disadvantaged...
- United Arab Society (U.A.S.) We are a group of diverse students, united to recognize and support the Arab identity through social, cultural, and political means. We wish to raise awareness about Middle-Eastern issues and to...
- University Culture & Life Abroad The goal of this organization is to provide a venue for returning students to process their experiences from abroad, network regarding further professional and academic international opportunities,...
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- Vietnamese Language and Culture (VNLC) Vietnamese Language and Culture (VNLC) was founded in 1994 at the University of California, Los Angeles to promote and preserve Vietnamese customs by upholding the values of cultural involvement and...
- VoiceUp VoiceUp is an organization that hosts public-speaking events designed to educate UCLA students about human psychology and debunk common misconceptions about psychology prevalent in contemporary...
- Volunteer Outreach in India to Create and Educate Mission The V.O.I.C.E Mission seeks to provide long term aid to children who are orphaned or live in impoverished areas in India by supporting them academically and vocationally to improve access to...
- Women in the Physical Sciences The Women in the Physical Sciences organization strives to create a supportive atmosphere for all women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields of study. Our goal is to...
- Writer's Block at UCLAkljlk Writer's Block (WB) at UCLA believes in the power of writing to transform and inspire. The ability to read and write critically and creatively is crucial to students' success, but the trend in public...
- YACS - Young Adult and Children's Services The purpose of YACS is: To celebrate young adult and children's literature. To facilitate networking between library students and LA-area youth services professionals. To promote the exchange of...
- Yoga for Flexible Futures Our club targets low socioeconomic students in an after school program to participate in yoga and healthy nutrition sessions. The first part of the after school programming would entail a group of...
- Yolotzonyo Since 1994, Yolotzonyo (formerly known as Raza Youth Empowerment Project) has been working to create consciousness among high school youth about issues affecting their community and motivating them...
- Young Americans for Freedom at UCLA We are a non-partisan political organization dedicated to maintaining the ideals of individual freedom, strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. With the Left's attempts to...
- Young Storytellers Foundation College Chapter at UCLA Young Storytellers Foundation College Chapter Program develops literacy through the art of storytelling. Using group exercises and one-on-one mentoring, we provide under-served 5th grade children in...
- Youth Movement Against Alzheimer's (fomerly Universal Gerontology & Alzheimers Awareness) We are a group of young people across the U.S. in college, high school, and graduate school that is educating other young people about the elderly. We aim to get younger people to have more love,...