Ethiopia Health Aid: College Edition

Ethiopia Health Aid: College Edition is a college chapter of a non-profit organization that has sought to improve the quality of life in rural Ethiopia since 2007. Ethiopia Health Aid's mission, and our mission, is to build healthy, self-reliant communities in Rural Ethiopia through Education, Health, and Action. This organization encourages student involvement in global health and provides students with opportunities to participate in international medical and educational missions. Students of the organization will choose to participate in one of three committees, each of which will establish and maintain direct connection with either Gode Primary School, Negele Arsi Health College, or Negele Arsi Hospital in Ethiopia to understand deficits in the education or healthcare system. Students will then research and create sustainable solutions, working alongside our mother organization and using its past work as a foundation. Finally, students will fundraise to implement their solutions and build HOPE (health, opportunity, progress, and education).

Signatories: Shivani Doshi, Shivani Gillon, and Sarah Pennypacker

Advisor: Ashleigh Anais Renteria

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