Health and Wellness
- 01/2022 Community Test Org Test organization for Community API
- Abilities Beyond Limitations (ABL) 1. To provide a space where disabled students can meet, get to know each other, share and be mutually supportive Note: This organization is not an equivalent replacement or substitute for...
- Active Minds Active Minds is a organization dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and reducing the stigma around mental health across college campuses through events and workshops.
- AIDS Ambassadors at UCLA The AIDS Ambassadors and their partners, the UCLA AIDS Institute and the Art|Global Health Center, are committed to the global eradication of HIV/AIDS transmission. Thinking globally and acting...
- Al-Anon To help families and friends of alcoholics.
- Alzheimer's Foundation of America on Campus AFA on Campus is a division of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) that caters exclusively to students at colleges and universities across the country in an effort to engage them in...
- American Association of Women Dentists The purpose of the UCLA AAWD Chapter is to be a recognized resource for connecting and enriching the lives of women dental students. AAWD provides a platform for issues pertaining to women in the...
- American Red Cross Club The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization which mobilizes people to help their neighbors by giving them the skills and knowledge to prepare for and respond to emergencies in their homes,...
- Anderson Athletics The mission of Anderson Athletics is to enrich the sports experience for UCLA Anderson MBA students by providing leadership and direction to all student run sporting activities on campus. Anderson...
- APA Health C.A.R.E. APA Health CARE (Asian Pacific American Health Collaboration, Access, Resource & Education) is a collaborative effort among UCLA undergraduates, public health students, medical students, nurses, and...
- Art and Health Graduate Collaborative The organization is a networking and resource sharing platform for graduate students working in the arts and public health.
- B+ Foundation @ UCLA The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation honors the life of Andrew McDonough. Andrew battled leukemia, septic shock and complications of childhood cancer for 167 days before passing away on July 14, 2007,...
- Beautiful Mind Project, The The Beautiful Mind Project aims to construct a well-rounded understanding of mental health in the Muslim community that transcends socio-cultural, political, and physical barriers of stigmatization...
- Beauty & Cosmetics at UCLA B&C, which stands for Beauty & Cosmetics, is UCLA’s very first and the only beauty club. It was founded by 3 friends who have passion in beauty and cosmetics. Our aim is to provide members various...
- Bhagat Puran Singh Health Initiative Bhagat Puran Singh Health Initiative is a group of wellness advocates devoted to eliminating health and social disparities within underserved and underprivileged populations by creating spaces of...
- Bicycle Coalition at UCLA The Bike Coalition at UCLA is a collective of students, faculty, and staff working to make the UCLA campus and the surrounding area a better place to ride.
- Biohacking Division at UCLA The Biohacking Division at UCLA serves to promote an evolutionary understanding of human health. Human beings are currently embroiled in a period of great evolutionary disequilibrium. Much of our...
- Black Health Project Black Health Project strives to address the current health disparities being faced by the African American Communities through providing free health-care screenings and health awareness information...
- Black Pre-Health Organization The purpose of BPHO is to increase the retention of African Americans in the sciences and provide support for those currently interested in purusing a career in the health sciences
- Black/Latino AIDS Project BLAIDS aims to increase awareness & knowledge of HIV/AIDS, other STIs, and preventative methods, especially among the Black and Latino youth. We set out to accomplish this by providing comprehensive...
- Bliss and Wisdom International at UCLA The purpose of this organization is to achieve a cooperative society that embeds genuine and trustworthy relationships, to create an everlasting natural environment, to experience an eternal...
- Breathe Los Angeles Breathe LA’s main vision is to spread the awareness of smoking’s effects to underserved communities such as inner city youth & local homeless at shelters (Union Rescue Mission, Downtown Women's...
- Bruin Allies for Duchenne This organization was founded by a group of students inspired by a class taught by Dr. Rachelle Crosbie-Watson on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. This is a genetic, progressive muscle wasting disease...
- Bruin Beans Health Club Bruin Beans Health Club is dedicated to promote the understanding of kidney health and related pathologies, to encourage student involvement and to promote awareness within the Greater Los Angeles...
- Bruin Consent Coalition Bruin Consent Coalition was formerly known as 7000 in Solidarity: A Campaign Against Sexual Assault. Our most important goal is to support survivors of sexual violence. We require all members to go...
- Bruin Soles The organization's main goal is to promote awareness by fundraising and collecting footwear for the homeless in the Los Angeles area. In addition, the organization will also make and deliver packages...
- Bruin Vision Project Bruin Vision Project takes precedence in the UCLA community as the first and only student health organization to provide vision screenings and resources to underserved populations across various...
- Bruins Against Antibiotic Resistance (BAAR) Club The widespread use and unnecessary distribution of antibiotics has created a problem of antibiotic resistance where bacteria mutate and survive through the course of antibiotics. Not only have...
- Bruins Fighting Pediatric Cancer Bruins Fighting Pediatric Cancer (BFPC) is dedicated to fulfilling the mission of "never letting cancer cloud the joy of being a kid." With this mission, we strive to educate the UCLA community about...
- Bruins for Animals! Our 3 main pillars are Activism, Networking, and Community Service. Activism: We hope to educate the public and bring about awareness regarding animal oppression in a nonviolent, open, and...
- Bruins for Recovery Bruins for Recovery (B4R) is a student group committed to fostering a sober community on campus and raising awareness about recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism. We believe that all students...
- Bruins Movin' Bruins Movin' is a project designed to develop habits of physical activity and healthy living into the lifestyles of young students through the facilitation of short physical activity breaks; our...
- Bruins Public Health Club Bruins Public Health Club engages in projects that promote the maintenance and improvement of health for all members of society. It is the organization's objective to provide members with real-world...
- Building Heroes Building Heroes aims to educate the underserved community about medical emergencies. Club members will learn to lead participants through hands on skill training designed to give them the means to...
Clothesline Project at UCLA The Clothesline Project at UCLA is a non-partisan student organization that aims to stop multiple and intersecting forms of sexual violence. We strive to break the silence surrounding sexual violence...
- Colleges Against Cancer Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) is a collegiate branch of the American Cancer Society that brings the fight against cancer directly to college students by planning Relay for Life, encouraging...
- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) CERT is an international organization for ordinary citizens to become trained in disaster response. It began here in Los Angeles in 1986, and FEMA adopted it in 1993. The program is based on the...
- Companion Care The purpose of this organization is to help individuals experiencing homelessness access primary care services. Often times, these individuals lack access to basic social and health services. Our...
- David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Chapter of the American Medical Association Our chapter serves to educate peers on health policy, advocate for legislative changes that benefit the medical profession, and conduct service projects for the local community. We represent the...
- Dental Foodies A club for dental students with culinary interests. For those with insatiable sweet (and savory) teeth.
- DiaBeaters at UCLA DiaBeaters at UCLA are dedicated to fighting diabetes by promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle. We will educate people on both types of diabetes, while focusing on what can be done to prevent the...
- Dialogue Society Guided by the belief that there is always a better version of oneself, Dialogue Society is an organization that explores how small yet transformative changes can enrich our human experience. The...
- Donation of Tissues and Organs (DotOrg) Our goal is to promote donor awareness and minimize any fears or misconceptions about organ and tissue donation among the youth and underserved communities of the Los Angeles community. We also...
- Ethiopia Health Aid: College Edition Ethiopia Health Aid: College Edition is a college chapter of a non-profit organization that has sought to improve the quality of life in rural Ethiopia since 2007. Ethiopia Health Aid's mission, and...
- Falun Dafa at UCLA Falun Dafa at UCLA is a free meditation and Qigong group. We provides free workshops on Falun Dafa, a traditional high-level Qigong practice from China practiced by roughly a hundred million people...
- Fellowship for International Service and Health (FISH) FISH is an interdisciplinary global health and development organization that aims to improve the health, wellness, and access to educational opportunities in Maclovio Rojas, Mexico. Students work...
- Fitness Improvement Training Through Exercise and Diet Fitness Improvement Training Through Exercise & Diet [FITTED] will provide free physical fitness training to improve overall wellness for all underrepresented student leaders on the UCLA campus. ...
- Flying Samaritans at UCLA, The The purpose of this organization is to provide free health care and health education to an underserved population in Mexico through running a monthly medical clinic. We are social justice-oriented...
- Free Minds United at UCLA We are a coalition of students at UCLA that works together to bring awareness to issues surrounding mental illness and its stigmatization and provide active support for those suffering. As advocates...
- Furnish the Homeless Furnish the Homeless aims to provide used furniture, including but not limited to: chairs, tables, couches, desks, cabinets, and housing appliances for the greater Los Angeles homeless population....
- Gerontology and Geriatrics Interest Group The mission of the Gerontology and Geriatrics Interest Group (GIG) is three-fold: 1) To educate on issues and current events in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics. 2)To provide service...
- Global Health Coalition at UCLA The Global Health Coalition at UCLA cultivates collaboration among diverse student-led organizations with shared goals in global health and development. We support the exchange of ideas among an...
- GlobeMed GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.
- Green Ribbon Club Green Ribbon Club is a branch of the 501(c)(3) student-run non-profit Green Ribbon Club™. The club is committed to ending the social stigma surrounding mental illness in order to encourage our...
- Health Guardians of America at UCLA The Health Guardians of America club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded at UC Berkeley in 2011, and has been expanding ever since with currently 15+ chapters nationwide. The UCLA chapter...
- Health Law Society The mission of the Health Law Society (HLS) is to raise the profile of health law issues at the school and to provide exposure to the field and opportunities for students interested in studying and...
- Hiking Club at UCLA, The The Hiking Club at UCLA is for UCLA students and recent alumni, of all skill levels that want to get out and enjoy our natural surroundings. We want to stress that we do not teach hiking or...
- Hiking+U @ UCLA Hiking+U @ UCLA is an outdoor activity club, focusing on hiking as well as advocating for environment protection. Our purpose is to serve UCLA students and alumni who enjoy hiking, help to protect...
- HIV Community Health Outreach HIV Community Health Outreach is a club led by undergraduates to help de-stigma the disdain and shame around HIV and encourage safe sex practices to prevent HIV transmission. We frequently discuss...
- Humanity First Student Organization What We Do... Humanity First's mission is to relieve suffering caused by natural disasters or human conflict, promote peace and understanding, and strengthen people's capacity to help themselves....
- Hunger Project Hunger Project seeks to decrease poverty in and around Los Angeles County by 1. providing immediate relief to the homeless 2. promoting higher education in teens and young adults who are homeless or...
- IBDetermined We aim to unite UCLA undergraduate students who have been diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), either Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease, in order to create a strong support network....
- Indulge In Design InDe is a community of artistically-oriented thinkers and creators obsessed with designing innovative solutions to people’s problems. In order to achieve this goal, InDe cultivates and maintains an...
- innergy innergy at UCLA is a student community that intends to enhance daily living by practicing mindfulness, cultivating compassion, and connecting with our inner selves and with others around us. We...
- Innovation in Health Innovation in Health brings together students, researchers, professionals from various disciplines as well as, policy makers, and community members to tackle the complex challenges public health and...
- Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness Program (KDSAP) The Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness program is articulated around two objectives, student career development and community outreach. The KDSAP focuses on educating the community and its...
- Kids in Nutrition Kids In Nutrition (KIN) inspires and empowers our younger generation to lead active and healthy lives.
- Latino Student Health Project (LSHP) LSHP was established in 1978 after an increase in the rates of chronic conditions affecting underrepresented communities with limited access to health insurance and healthcare. Our mission is to...
- Lavender Health Alliance The Lavender Health Alliance at UCLA serves to increase awareness of LGBTQ+ issues in health care, higher education, and the sciences. The Lavender Health Alliance was founded on the principle that...
- Law Students in Balance The Law Students in Balance group teaches law students various strategies for dealing with everyday stress, balancing their personal and student/professional lives, and preparing themselves for the...
- Lawn Blanket Society The Lawn Blanket Society aims at cultivating an on-campus environment that welcomes any and all students to come relax, de-stress, and enjoy themselves on the beautiful lawns of our UCLA campus. The...
- Live Action at UCLA - Bruins for Life Live Action is a pro-education, non-sectarian, non-partisan student group dedicated to promoting the fundamental right to life for all human beings.
- Medical Experience through Service in Healthcare The purpose of Medical Experience through Service in Healthcare is to act as a bridge between understaffed free health clinics and UCLA students interested in volunteering for their community, to...
- Medication Assistance Program The Medication Assistance Program (MAP) is composed of UCLA students who are passionate about serving their community. MAP members serve as patient advocates at Koryo Health Foundation in Koreatown....
- Meditation and Mindfulness Club A community for all those interested in practicing non-religous and non-specific meditation. The organization is a resource for people who want to learn more about meditation and a group where those...
- Mental Health and Faith Ministry at UCLA A student organization designed to create dialogue regarding the Christian faith and mental health issues.
- Mental Health Initiative Approximately 5.4% of the US population suffers from severe mental illness, a broad category of disorders ranging from depression to ADHD. In the Los Angeles County, minorities make up the biggest...
- Mental Wellness For High Schoolers at UCLA To educate high school students regarding the causes and effects of various mental illnesses as well as the ways in which help for such illnesses may be sought out through various proactive measures...
- Mind Body Nutrition: Students for Integrative and Preventative Medicine Mind-Body Nutrition: Students for Integrative and Preventive Medicine (Mind Body Nutrition or MBN for short) is a non-profit student organization that aims to educate the general student populace...
- National Alliance on Mental Illness on Campus at University of California: Los Angeles We are UCLA’s chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This group began in Winter 2014, but there are many other chapters of NAMI throughout the country. As our name suggests, we operate...
- Nursing Students at UCLA The functions of this organization shall include the following: a.) To have direct input into standards of nursing education and influence the educational process; b.) To influence health care and...
- Operation Mend Undergraduate Association Operation Mend is a unique partnership between UCLA Health, Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas, and the VA Healthcare System. It was established in 2007 to help treat U.S. military...
- Outreach Overseas Outreach Overseas aims to provide a variety of services for communities abroad, such as medical care, environmental help, education, and special needs care, among others. In addition to promoting...
- Peaks and Professors at UCLA Peaks and Professors at UCLA is dedicated to bringing students and professors together outside the classroom. Our mission is to facilitate these unique interactions by leading small groups of...
- Pilipinos for Community Health Established in 1989, Pilipinos for Community Health (PCH) has advanced its efforts to educate the socio-economically disadvantaged Pilipino community of the Greater Los Angeles area on how to adopt...
- Pre Medical Training and Nutrition Club Pre Medical Training and Nutrition is an organization for undergraduate students at UCLA intended for self improvement and the gain of knowledge on other health and fitness related topics. The...
- Project Health The aim of Project Health is to give high school students essential and comprehensive health information regarding mental health, drugs, alcohol, sexual decision making, abusive relationships,...
- Project RISHI Our group focuses on catalyzing development in India, by forging partnerships with rural communities in need. Students of the group will be responsible for researching and implementing health-care...
- Project Sunshine Chapter at UCLA The Project Sunshine Chapter at UCLA aims to deliver the same dynamism Project Sunshine empowers at a national level to UCLA's very own Mattel Children's Hospital. Our volunteers will relieve the...
- Psypher Our mission is to promote the well-being of our Bruin family by working with UCLA’s vibrant dance community to start conversations about mental health. We strive to destigmatize mental health...
- Public Health Nutrition Club at UCLA The Public Health Nutrition Club at UCLA believes that good nutrition is the basis for a healthy life. Our purpose is to provide nutrition education to the public and volunteer opportunities for our...
- Queerhab The the Trump administration’s divisive rhetoric has left many in the LGBTQA+ community feeling vulnerable. Queerhab offers LGBTQA+ identified UCLA students a space to relax and air their grievances...
- Reproductive Health Interest Group (RHIG) The Reproductive Health Interest Group (RHIG) is a registered graduate student group at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Founded in 2002, RHIG brings together students, faculty, and staff...
- Reproductive Health Interest Group The purpose of the Reproductive Health Interest Group (RHIG) is to bring students, faculty, and staff of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and greater community together to learn about and...
- Rett Syndrome club Our purpose is to bring awareness and to help improve the lives of girls and women affected by Rett Syndrome. Rett syndrome is a serious neurological disorder that affects almost girls exclusively....
- Science & Nutrition Advocacy Council We are a group of students looking to advocate nutrition and food science to both UCLA students and students in the surrounding areas, finding intersectionality between various fields and industries...
- SCOPE: Students for Community Outreach, Promotion and Education SCOPE empowers the greater Los Angeles community through meaningful service that minimizes disparities in education and healthcare.
- Senior Education and Empowerment through Dentistry Senior Education and Empowerment through Dentistry (SEED) is founded by three UCLA undergraduate researchers with a vision to empower and educate senior citizens and professional healthcare workers...
- Smile Train at UCLA We are an organization that raises awareness for children with cleft lip and palate. Smile Train is an international charity that raises money to fund surgical procedures for children in developing...
- Social Media 05/04/2020 social media test
- Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics The Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) is a non-profit society organized for the purpose of encouraging basic and clinical scientists who are interested in areas of Brain Mapping,...
- Sound Body Sound Mind Undergraduate Association Sound Body Sound Mind Undergraduate Association is the new undergraduate arm of UCLA Health Sound Body Sound Mind, an organization dedicated to fighting childhood obesity by installing...
- SOVA Club at UCLA SOVA Club seeks to encourage the UCLA community to care for the homeless and impoverished population of Los Angeles. The organization will encourage students to donate and/or help collect unopened...
- Special Olympics at UCLA To provide athletic training and develop social skills and friendship with individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. test #1...
- Spoon University at UCLA Spoon is a student-run online food publication for college students dedicated to making food rather than just sustenance. Our mission is to open college students’ eyes to cooking and everyday food in...
- Steve Tisch BrainSPORT Volunteer Club At the UCLA Steve Tisch BrainSPORT Program, our goal is to establish the world’s most advanced diagnostic and treatment program for athletes who have suffered concussions as well as non-sports...
- Strong Women Against Trafficking SWAT (Strong Women Against Trafficking) is an organization that was developed in order to provide UCLA students a way to build strong women and understand the inner workings of sexual violence and...
- Student Food Collective The Student food collective is committed to the creation of a student run, student owned food cooperative on campus. SFC's goals are to coordinate our collective buying power to get the best, most...
- Student Nurse Fitness Club The primary purpose of THE STUDENT NURSE FITNESS CLUB is to promote fitness, nutrition, and general wellness, especially as it pertains to students of nursing or students interested in the science...
- Students for Integrative Medicine (formerly SIM) Students for Integrative Medicine (SIM) is a student group at UCLA that strives to raise student awareness for evidence-based, integrative, and whole-person approaches to medicine and health. The...
- Students of Color for Public Health To strengthen the social support, career networking, and advocacy efforts for UCLA School of Public Health students and alumni of color. SCPH, founded in 2001, provides opportunities for students...
- Students With Communication Disabilities The purpose of this organization is to raise awareness with students and the community regarding the causes and effects of communication disabilities as well as the ways in which help for such...
- Students with Special-Needs Children Students with Special-Needs Children (SwSNC) is a support group that empowers students who are parents to children with special needs through advocacy, education, compassion, and empathy.
- SWC AIDS Awareness Working with other AIDS organizations, AIDS Awareness increases campus awareness and knowledge of HIV/AIDS and promotes safe sex through speakers and other planned events.
- SWC Body Image The aim of the Body Image Task Force is to help the entire UCLA student body combat issues of body image. We do so by hosting events, workshops, and speakers that tackle issues such as exercise,...
- SWC Bruin Run/Walk Run/Walk is one of several committees within the Student Welfare Commission (SWC) and is responsible for putting on one of the biggest student-run events on campus every year: a 5K event in the...
- SWC BruiNecessities As part of the USAC Student Wellness Commission, BruiNecessities looks to support UCLA students by raising awareness to the lack of basic resources available on campus, and seeks to fill these gaps,...
- SWC EARTH EARTH (Environmental Awareness, Recycling, and Terrestrial Health), a division of the Student Welfare Commission, is committed to addressing the health-associated aspects of environmental concerns...
- SWC Health, Nutrition, & Fitness Health, Nutrition & Fitness (HNF) is a committee under UCLA’s USAC Student Wellness Commission that is dedicated to educating the student body about proper nutrition, fitness, and health. HNF’s goal...
- SWC Sexperts (formerly SWC Gender Health) Dedicated to increasing the awareness and education of sexual health through exciting campus-wide events at UCLA.
- SWC Student Education and Research of Contemporary Health SEARCH: Student Education and Research on Contemporary Health—our name says it all. We know that there is a lot of research out there on health issues that are currently plaguing college students,...
- SWC Student Health Advocates (SHA) The SHA program has been a part of the University of California, Los Angeles experience since 1974 and is one of many organizations on campus that contributes to the increased quality, safety, and...
- SWC Total Wellness Total Wellness Magazine is a continuing endeavor started by the Student Welfare Commission in the 90's and refounded in 2009. Total Wellness is currently a division of the Student Wellness...
- Synapse Synapse is a national organization where student chapters organize events to connect people with traumatic/acquired brain injury with each other and undergraduate students. This club aims to foster...
- Team HBV Team HBV chapters aim to train knowledgeable educators and inspire student leaders, distribute culturally sensitive and easy-to-understand educational brochures on HBV to students and local...
- TeamX Health (formerly iCareX: Think Innovation) TeamX Health is founded with the belief in challenging the status quo to solve healthcare disparity by cultivating thinkers, building leaders, and thinking innovatively. Our mission is to serve as...
- test test
- The Courage to be Me The Courage to be Me is a support group and positive space for students to practice courageous and authentic living. Right now it is in the format of weekly an-hour long discussions, where...
- The Kamalayan Kollaborative for Pilipino Mental Health The Kamalayan Collaborative for Pilipino Mental Health provides a supportive, creative, intellectual, and community-oriented space to reduce stigma around mental health in the Pilipino community,...
- The Liver Project The Liver Project (TLP) is a UCLA student initiative to fight liver disease, including hepatitis A-E, alcoholic hepatitis, and liver cancer. TLP emphasizes a culturally competent approach to health...
- The Shelter Project This organization is focused on connecting with local women and children's shelters. Our organization will visit these shelters in groups to volunteer as well as cater to the needs of the shelters...
- UMMA Volunteer Project (UVP) UMMA Volunteer Project (UVP) was founded in 1996 as a volunteer source for the UMMA Community Clinic, a free health clinic established by UCLA graduate and undergraduate students to serve the...
- USAC Student Wellness Commission (SWC) The purpose of SWC is to advocate on behalf of the students regarding health and general well-being; to plan programs to improve student welfare and the community around them and to educate and...
- Veg Bruins Veg Bruins is an organization for all undergraduate students interested in a vegan, vegetarian, or plant-based lifestyle. Members will learn about environmental, ethical, and societal issues...
- Vietnamese Community Health Project at UCLA Vietnamese Community Health aspires to address the issue of preventative health through education, free services, and screenings in the Orange County area. We attempt to accomplish this in three...
- Vietnamese Dental Student Association at UCLA The Vietnamese Dental Student Association at UCLA advocates programs that promote the oral health care of all people in general and of Vietnamese-Americans in particular. VDSA promotes the awareness...
- VoiceUp VoiceUp is an organization that hosts public-speaking events designed to educate UCLA students about human psychology and debunk common misconceptions about psychology prevalent in contemporary...