Young Professionals in Research

Young Professionals in Research is an Undergraduate and Graduate Student Organization dedicated to providing students with the opportunity to advance their future career goals through research. Our mission is to provide students with the resources needed to join research laboratories at UCLA that are best suited their interests, as well as maintaining a positive relationship with professors in order to provide research faculty with the volunteers most qualified and suited for their research needs. Our goals: 1. To guide the development of students by providing them with the training and experience required to become involved a research lab of their choice 2. To develop a roster of students with specialized skillsets to easily fill research roles 3. To foster an environment of collaboration within and between research communities across campus 4. To create a unified conglomeration of students ready to fill any and all faculty needs independent of time or location restraints 5. To give professors a consistent, reliable source of qualified students to help continue their research goals longer than 4 years 6. To provide students with a realistic expectation of what they can gain from specific research opportunities 7. To provide researchers a tangible way to evaluate student performances 8. To build a network for students to share and pass down research opportunities and knowledge

Signatories: Vignesh Balasundaram, Aravind Rajagopalan, and Uma Ramaratnam

Advisor: Praveen Amarchand Dugar

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