03/07 test update test profile...
- Achievement Scholars Club The Achievement Scholars Club provides an environment that promotes leadership, growth, and service for Achievement Scholars. Our primary focus is to give back to our surrounding communities with...
- Acoustic Guitar Club A platform for Chinese musicians to network and get to know each other.
- ADEA Chapter for Students, Residents and Fellows The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) chapter at UCLA aims to promote knowledge of and interest in academic careers, advance ADEA’s mission, strategic directions, key priorities, and...
- African Diaspora Graduate Scholars ADGS is focused on academic research, writing, and professional development. While the group consist mostly of PhD students, all graduate students are welcome. ADGS holds writing groups where...
- Aleph: Undergraduate Research Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences Aleph (pronounced “ah-lef”) is UCLA’s only official journal publishing undergraduate research in the humanities, social sciences, and behavioral sciences. Run by undergraduates who review...
- Algorithmic Trading at UCLA Algorithmic Trading at UCLA meets regularly to come up with new algorithms for testing, as well as come up with new statistical methods that can better predict future trades in the market. Rather...
- Alpha Chi Sigma Co-ed chemistry fraternity that suits all majors in all fields with its main purpose: to bind its members in friendship, to strive for advancement, to aid its members.
- Alpha Lambda Delta/Phi Eta Sigma (ALD/PES) National honor societies at UCLA for 1st year and transfer students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. It is our mission to promote academic excellence and personal development as well as offer community...
- American Indian Graduate Student Association As an official campus-based student organization, AIGSA seeks to enhance the academic environment and experiences of American Indian, Alaska Native, indigenous and other interested and involved...
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is a professional organization for chemical engineers. AIChE was established in 1908 with the purpose of establishing chemical engineers as a...
- American Medical Student Association (AMSA) The American Medical Student Association, Premedical Chapter at UCLA, is committed to improving health care and healthcare delivery to all people; involving its members in the social, moral and...
- Animation Student Organization The Animation Student Organization (ASO) is an student organization dedicated to helping students within the animation degree at UCLA, both in career aspirations and student life. We establish and...
- Anthropology Graduate Student Association The UCLA Graduate Students Association was established with the consideration that there is a constant need to provide for the representation of graduate students and the promotion of graduate...
APPDEV-11047 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. FSL Re-Registration 11/18: APPDEV-11047 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. FSL Re-Registration Test...
APPDEV-11047 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. SOLE Re-Registration 2 Young leaders 21 is an organization that seeks to promote new business opportunities continually evolving in the light of the modern economy. The organization aims to welcome leaders of this new...
- APPDEV-11100 Test Case #1 SOLE 2023 01 25 1/25: APPDEV-11100 Test Case #1 SOLE 2023 01 25
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- APPDEV-6821 9/20 Reg Test 1 APPDEV-6821
APPDEV-8718 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. Re-Registration 2 Test
- Applied Research Graduate Scholarship Organization (ARGSO) @ UCLA ARGSO@UCLA is dedicated to conducting peer-reviewed scholarly applied research on the international student community at UCLA. The organization is comprised of undergraduate and graduate students as...
- Architecture Graduate Students Association This organization represents the graduate student body of the Architecture and Urban Design department at UCLA and promotes and facilitates student-to-student networking through social and...
- Armenian Engineers and Scientists Association An organization for anyone interested in Engineering and Science in the Armenian community.
- Art History Undergraduate Student Association The Art History Undergraduate Student Association (AHUSA) was created to provide a space for students interested in Art History to connect with each other, the faculty, and the various opportunities...
- Asian American & Pacific Islander Graduate Group The AAPI Grad Group is an organization for graduate students across all disciplines who identify as AAPI or are interested in AAPI issues.
- Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies Undergraduate Association Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies Undergraduate Association (APIUA) serves as the undergraduate association for Asian American Studies majors/ minors and prospective students interested in...
- Asian American Studies Graduate Student Association The Asian American Studies Graduate Association promotes the interests and projects of Asian American Studies graduate students by providing information about the program to undergraduates; sharing...
- Asian Pacific Islander Student Affairs Network The Asian Pacific Islander Student Affairs Network (API-SAN) is a group of staff and campus professionals employed at the University of California, Los Angeles. API-SAN's mission is to bridge campus...
- Association for Multi-Ethnic Bioscientists' Advancement The goal of AMEBA is to promote an equitable and inclusive environment that fosters the advancement of PhD students in the Graduate Programs in Bioscience (GPB). Furthermore, we aim to promote...
- attachment file test 1 file test
- attachment file testing attachment description
BA-8599 APPDEV-8718 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 12 12 12/12: BA-8599 APPDEV-8718 SOLE Re- Registration 2022 12 12 11/30: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 11 30 11/30: APPDEV-6821 9/16 Reg Test...
BA-8599 APPDEV-8718 SOLE Registration 2022 12 12 12/12: BA-8599 APPDEV-8718 SOLE Registration 2022 12 12
BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 11 23 11/23: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 11 23 new org 11/8 reregister new org to...
BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration Deny 2022 12 05 (2) 12/5: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration Deny 2022 12 05 (2) 12/5: Email Test...
- BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration 11/22: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration APPDEV-8243 test...
- BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration 2022 11 30 11/30: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration 2022 11 30...
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- Bearing Witness Bearing Witness is a program started by students at UCLA and associated with UCLA Hillel, the Jewish Family Services of Los Angeles, the ‘1939’ Club and the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. It...
- Bhasha: Indian Language Club The mission of Bhasha is to promote linguistic mastery of Indian language. We are a group of students who deeply value our native languages. Most of us have limited formal training in our native...
- Big Bio at UCLA: An Association for Computational Biosciences Big Bio at UCLA: An Association for Computational Biosciences (Big Bio) is a student organization that facilitates education, networking, professional development, and social connection among...
- Bio-Business This organization is to bring together students interested in the health and technology field of business. It hopes to attract students who want to pursue a financial role in the large industry of...
- Biochemistry for Young Generation at UCLA The mission of BYG (Biochemistry for Young Generation) is to spark interest among the young generation on biochemistry. Through the lens of biochemistry, we discuss the causes of disease and...
- Bioengineering Graduate Association The Bioengineering Graduate Association (BGA) at UCLA was established to facilitate the communication of graduate students with department members, encourage the involvement of students in the...
- Bioethics Society at UCLA The purpose of this organization is to raise awareness about the importance of bioethics, facilitate discussion of highly important topics, and leave students more educated and informed on how...
- Biological Science Council at UCLA The UCLA Biological Science Council aims: 1) to provide a forum space for the graduate students within the Biological Sciences to discuss issues pertaining to graduate student life, funding,...
- Biomedical Engineering Society The purpose of UCLA BMES is to provide students interested in Biomedical Engineering with a place to meet and collaborate with other interested individuals. UCLA BMES promotes community and builds...
- Biomedical Research Society at UCLA UCLA is a world leader in research and education. To help foster a supportive environment for students involved in the cutting-edge research, it is vital to create a community with mentorship....
- Biotech Connection Los Angeles at UCLA (formerly Biotech Connection Los Angeles) Biotech Connection Los Angeles at UCLA's mission is to connect academics from across disciplines with each other and the industry resources necessary to move innovation forward. We engage our...
- Boys2Men Girls2Women Boys2Men Girls2Women Club is an organization developed to serve the community by assisting children between the ages of 6-18 in becoming productive members of society by instilling positive,...
- Bruin Engineering Network The Bruin Engineering Network (BEN) is a mentorship organization targeted towards students in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science (HSSEAS). The organization is framed in an...
- Bruin Linguists Society Bruin Linguists (BLing) is the undergraduate linguistics society at UCLA. Our purpose? • To further educate majors and non-majors alike about Linguistics • To encourage undergraduate involvement in...
- Bruin Up Medical Professionals Bruin Up Medical Professionals is an organization with the aim of establishing a collaborative atmosphere that is accessible to any pre-health student. To accomplish this, we will provide: a platform...
- Bruin Venture Partners VENTURE's mission is to develop a culture of startup thinking at UCLA. Our organization facilitates entrepreneurship, business, and finance among UCLA students by providing resources, networking, and...
- Bruins for Urban Design and Development Bruins for Urban Design and Development (BUDDY) is dedicated to the representation and empowerment of UCLA Graduate and PhD students interested in the field of urban design. BUDDY also aims to ensure...
- Built Environment and Public Health Council, The Purpose of this student group is to provide a place for conversation at UCLA around the built environment and public health, to advocate on behalf of students and organizations dedicated to the...
- C.L.U.A We are the Comparative Literature Undergrad Association. We want to create a network for people in the major of who have interest in the major. We will be working closely with the Comp Lit department...
- Carte Italiane Graduate student journal of the Department of Italian at UCLA.
- Celtic Colloquium, The Promotes the study and discussion of all things Celtic at UCLA. Our feature event is a conference now in its 40th year that is among the best-known and best-attended Celtic conferences in the United...
- Center for Language, Interaction and Culture Graduate Student Association, The CLIC GSA is a graduate student organization interested in promoting cross-disciplinary discussion about language, interaction, and culture.
- Center for the Liberal Arts and Free Institutions CLAFI is a liberal arts club on campus where we instill in our members a love of learning and of opening our minds to the great ideas of Western civilization.
- Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Student Association The goal of the CBGSA is to represent and promote the interests of graduate students in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at UCLA by acting as a voice for the graduate student population. ...
- Chi Epsilon Pi The goal of Chi Epsilon Pi (XEP) is to support graduate students in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at UCLA. This can include social, academic, professional, service, and advocacy...
- Chi Epsilon, The Civil Engineering Honor Society Dedicated to the purpose of maintaining and promoting the status of civil engineering as an ideal profession, Chi-Epsilon was organized to recognize the characteristics of the individual civil...
- Chicanos/Latinos for Community Medicine Chicanos/Latinos for Community Medicine is a pre-health organization committed to improving the quality of health care in underserved communities. CCM does this by first hand exposure to the...
- Chinese-American Students and Scholars Seminar at UCLA UCLA-C3S is a non-profit, professional platform for academic-related research and career networking at UCLA . Managed by a group of non-paid, dedicated UCLA Ph.D student volunteers, it originates...
- Classical Society at UCLA We seek to promote an interest and appreciation of the culture of ancient Greece and Rome with lectures, films and other activities, by exploring how the classics manifest in both the ancient and...
- Classics Graduate Workshop at UCLA The Classics Graduate Workshop is intended primarily as an informal vehicle for Classics graduate students to discuss academic projects with their colleagues. The goal is to provide a safe space for...
- Cognitive Science Student Association at UCLA Do you have an interest in psychology? Artificial intelligence? Anthropology? Linguistics? User interface? Education? Philosophy? Do you not know what Cognitive Science is, but it sounds like...
- Collaboration in Undergraduate Research Enrichment at UCLA CURE at UCLA is an organization of undergraduate researchers who are dedicated to improving the undergraduate research experience. We aim to provide students with the resources and mentorship that...
- Colloquium for Oral and Popular Tradition Studies To sponsor the study of oral tradition and popular culture from humanistic and social scientific perspectives, both on the UCLA campus and in Los Angeles at large.
- Comparative Literature Graduate Student Association The Comparative Literature Graduate Student Association (CLGSA) acts as a bridge between graduate students, faculty, the Humanities Administrative Group (HAG) and the wider UCLA community. Members of...
- Comparative Literature Undergraduate Association A student organization dedicated to promoting the study of languages and literature across cultures.
- Comparative Politics Association at UCLA Article II - Purpose 1. To advance scientific research in the field of Comparative Politics, by facilitating the exchange of ideas and information among the members. 2. To organize an annual graduate...
- Computer Science Made Easy The organization teaches and exposes students to the world of computer science and coding in a very friendly and approachable manner. It helps to integrate students into the world of technology...
- Cotsen Archaeology Association The Cotsen Archaeology Association is an organization that gives students an opportunity to experience what a career in archaeology may consist of. The aim for this organization is to get more...
- Critical Planning Journal Critical Planning Journal's mission is to promote criticality and social justice in planning scholarship, discourse and action. We publish one journal annually and host events.
- Critical Studies Graduate Student Association This program reflects and helps constitute the intellectual life of the department of Architecture and Urban Design at UCLA through scholarly colloquia, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, publications...
- demo 03.12 demooooo
- Disability Studies Student Association (DSSA) We aim to create a space for students interested in the Disability Studies minor to build a strong community among like-minded individuals. We will take active steps to break down the stigma...
- Doctoral Students Planning Committee This organization is formed by a group of doctoral students in the Department of Urban Planning, with the objective of being a source of support and communication between our peers, and a point of...
- Earth, Planetary, and Space Student Organization Our organization collectively represents current students - both Undergraduate and Graduate - in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS). We warmly welcome and encourage all ESS students and...
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Undergraduate Association Our mission as an organization is to facilitate better relationships between undergraduates in the EEB department and the EEB department faculty. We plan on organizing events where students can talk...
- Elegant Mind Club at UCLA This organization examines the model organism C. elegans to better understand its many simple and complex behaviors mediated by its simple brain system. It consists of 302 neurons that have all been...
- Emergency Medicine Research Associates To promote the improvement of emergency medicine through conducting clinical research intended to contribute scientific knowledge to the medical community, improve patient care, and bolster...
- Engineering Graduate Students Association Engineering Graduate Students Association (eGSA) of UCLA represents the graduate students of the seven departments of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (HSSEAS). We host...
- Environmental Health Sciences Student Association The purpose of this club is to facilitate academic collaboration and interest amongst members of the UCLA community related to environmental health sciences, specifically amongst the graduate...
- Environmental Student Network ESN is a networking organization in UCLA geared towards students who have a passion in helping the environment! Join us as we build friendships while promoting environmental stewardship. All majors...
- Epidemiology Student Association The Epidemiology Student Association is a student group aimed at connecting new and current students in the Department of Epidemiology MPH and PhD programs at UCLA. We are a resource for social and...
- Eta Sigma Phi - Honorary Society for Classical Studies The purposes of the society are to develop and promote interest in classical study among students; to promote closer fraternal relationship among students who are interested in classical study; to...
- Ethnomusicology Review Ethnomusicology Review offers diverse scholarly approaches to musical practice in the form of articles, essays, and reviews. We publish an annual journal volume in November as well as our Sounding...
- Ethos Ethos aims to support the community of political theory graduate students at UCLA. We intend to foster an environment in which political theory and theorists can flourish. Ethos meetings provide...
- Exploring Your Universe Exploring Your Universe (EYU) is an organization that produces the "Exploring Your Universe" event each fall. This event is a college-wide STEM outreach production that hosts dozens of student...
- Fake Organization Where everything is fake.
- Feminist Theory Reading Group The Feminist Theory Reading Group promotes the study of feminist philosophy among students at UCLA. Particularly, the Feminist Theory Reading Group organizes discussions of philosophical texts...
- First Steps Mentorship Program The reasoning behind the First Steps Mentorship Program is to create a liaison between incoming freshman from impoverished communities with students with similar backgrounds who attend UCLA. The...
- French Graduate Student Association Our organization is composed of all active graduate students in the department. We seek to make life better for graduate students by making improvements to our office. In addition, we are a liaison...
- FTVDM Student Association The FTVDM Student Association aims to bring together FTVDM major students of all levels into a larger community with more presence on UCLA's larger campus.
- Fully-Employed MBA Student Council The FEMBA Council shall represent and promote the academic, social, professional, and community interests of all students in the fully-employed MBA program at the UCLA Anderson School of Management....
- Funding name version test reregister testing
- Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was founded under three principles, academic excellence, community service and maintenance of the Latino/Chicano culture.
- Geography Association at UCLA The Geography Association (GA), in conjunction with the UCLA Geography Department, serves the undergraduate geography community at UCLA with the goals of building a strong geography community,...
- Geography Graduate Students Association We represent all of the graduate students in the UCLA Geography Department.
- Giri Test 2/12 Test
Giri Test Test Description
- Global Health Undergraduate Student Association Global Health Undergraduate Student Association (GHUSA) provides a space for undergraduate students with a shared passion for global health to discuss, collaborate, and envision sustainable solutions...
- Global Leaders at UCLA Global Mentors is a world wide mentorship program designated to connect college mentors to underrepresented high school students. The purpose of this club is to engage high school students early and...
- Golden Key International Honour Society Vision: Golden Key is the world's premier honor society. We recognize academic excellence and provide tangible value to our student members, advisors, recent alumni, and partners while positively...
- Graduate Chemical Engineering Student Society GChESS shall seek to: • Improve the academic, administrative, and social experiences of chemical engineering graduate students • Serve as an interface between the student body, administrative staff,...
- Graduate Economics Association The GEA is an academic organization run by and for graduate students in the Economics Department at UCLA. Its objective is to improve the quality of life for students in the department.
- Graduate Student Association of Archaeology The Graduate Student Association of Archaeology is an organization governed by graduate students with an archaeological specialization at UCLA. The Association's main objective is to distribute...
- Graduate Student Association of Pasifika As an official campus-based student organization, GSAP seeks to enhance the academic environment and experiences of Pasifika and other interested and involved graduate students.
- Graduate Student Association-School of Education at the University of California Los Angeles Student coordinating board of the Graduate Students Association in the School of Education at UCLA.
- Graduate Student Linguistics Organization (GSLO) The Graduate Student Linguistics Organization (GSLO) emphasizes the study and the promotion of the field of linguistics inside and outside our department. Our responsibility is to create events...
- Graduate Student Nursing Association MISSION To create opportunities of learning, service and sociality, and serve as a resource of advocacy and communication between students, administration and community. VISION To enrich the...
- Graduate Students Association (GSA) The government of the Graduate Students Association.
- GSA Vice President of Academic Affairs Office
- Health Care Symposium The Health Care Symposium is an annual conference organized by students at the David Geffen School of Medicine about the most pressing subjects facing the future of health care. The conference is...
- Hermanas Unidas Hermanas Unidas combines academic, community service, and social activities to unite and support Chicana/Latinas along their pursuit of a degree in higher education while emphasizing HERMANDAD. We...
- Hermanos Unidos at UCLA To promote the growth of Latino/Chicano males via adherence to our pillars of academic excellence, community service and social interaction and as well as our philosophy of El Nuevo Hombre.
- History Graduate Students Association We are an association of graduate students in the UCLA Department of History.
- Honors Fellows @ UCLA The primary mission of the Honors Fellows Program is to help build an active community within the College Honors Program at UCLA. Essentially, the Honors Fellows function as a student leadership...
- Indo-European Studies Student Alliance (IESSA) The IESSA promotes the study of Indo-European languages, archaeology, culture, mythology, and poetics, with special emphasis on Indo-European linguistics. The organization of the annual UCLA...
- InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education & Information Studies This journal publishes peer-reviewed articles in the areas of education and information studies with a critical and interdisciplinary focus.
- International Affairs Student Association International Affairs Student Association has organized academic panels, career talks, and social gatherings. Some of the advantages of becoming involved in this association include: Career and...
- International/Transnational Dialogue Group International/Transnational Dialogue Group (I/TDG) is a student-run organization at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies (GSE&IS). Our first meeting took place in the Fall...
- Italian Graduate Student Conference Committee @ UCLA The Italian Graduate Student Conference is an interdisciplinary program that provides students from all UCLA Humanities Departments with an opportunity to present their research as well as to engage...
KC 01/13 Test org2
KC 06/05 test
KC Test 01/09/2023 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam semper nibh quam. Donec imperdiet neque sem, a fermentum erat lobortis eget. Aenean consectetur velit lacus, at consequat ligula...
- KC Test Org 05/28 This is a test description for Primary Advisor Grouper group.
KC Test Org 11/8 This is a test org profile update profile update2 profile update...
- Korean Dental Student Association Korean Dental Student Association (KDSA) is an organization run by dental students at UCLA, and its major objective is to provide a glimpse of Korean culture to any dental students who are interested...
- Korean Investment Club KIC is a club made my three friends who are interested in investment. We will be teaching members about the foundations about the stock market and how to invest. Many people seemed to be scared about...
- Latinas Guiding Latinas Since 1987 Latinas Guiding Latinas de UCLA (LGL) has mentored students from the East Los Angeles, El Monte and South Los Angeles areas in effort to promote and help students access higher education.
- Law and Philosophy Association at UCLA law The purpose of the Law and Philosophy Association is to promote philosophical engagement with the study and practice of law.
- Le Cercle Francophone (French Club) To provide a welcoming forum at which students can feel comfortable practicing and improving their French speaking skills. To encourage the study of French and Francophone language and culture...
- Leadership and Educational Advancement Program LEAP is a mentoring and tutoring program that serves the underprivileged schools of 75th Street Elementary School and Bethune Middle School in South Central promoting a college going mentality and...
- Linguistic Landscape Research Group The Linguistic Landscape Research Group at UCLA is a multidisciplinary student organization dedicated to the research of language on signs in the urban, public space. It spans across various fields...
- Materials Research Society The Materials Research Society (MRS) Student Chapter at UCLA is the academic, professional and social organization for students interested in materials science. MRS competes in the international...
- May 30th 2024 May 30th 2024
- Men in Nursing Club Men in Nursing at UCLA (MIN@UCLA), an official chapter of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing (AAMN), is a professional advocacy and social organization within the UCLA School of Nursing. We are...
- Men's Collective Men's Collective is meant to be a support for marginalized men of color at UCLA. With an focus on retention and community service, Men's Collective works to create camaraderie among men of color and...
- Mentors Empowering and Nurturing Through Education at UCLA MENTE is a student-led mentor-ship organization geared towards promoting a college-going culture for high school students. We provide individualized mentoring, workshops, and college fairs designed...
- MentorSEAS Founded in 2011, MentorSEAS is the official UCLA Engineering school-wide mentorship program that is provided automatically for all first-year freshmen and transfer students. We work closely with OASA...
- Mester (Journal of the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese) Mester is a journal published by the graduate students of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, at the University of California, Los Angeles. We are dedicated to publishing academic work that...
- Metis: UCLAssics Graduate Group Metis promotes the understanding of how Classical scholarship is conducted in a dynamic setting (the University) in the contemporary world. As a club, we encourage student involvement in any aspect...
- Missing Peace at UCLA, The The Missing Peace at UCLA is an organization that unites UCLA students advocating for the education and well-being of Middle Eastern refugee children.
- Model United Nations To provide a forum for UCLA students and high school students to become acquainted with the roles of the United Nations and non-governmental organizations through speech and debate of international...
- Mortar Board National Senior Honor Society Mortar Board is the premier national honor society recognizing college seniors for superior achievement in scholarship, leadership and service. Membership is synonymous with dedication and success. ...
- Motus Sodalis Motus Sodalis is a graduate student organization of the UCLA Department of Spanish and Portuguese that provides a forum for graduate students to present their work in progress to their peers and...
- MSW Macro Caucus The mission of the MSW Macro Caucus is to provide 3 pillars of support to MSW and dual degree students seeking to pursue macro level education. These pillars include: 1. Peer Support ...
- MSW STUDENT ALLIANCE The MSW Student Alliance group at UCLA is a graduate student organization that welcomes Social Welfare students of all cultures and backgrounds. Student Alliance provides leadership for the...
- Musicology Graduate Students Society Graduate student organization of the UCLA Department of Musicology.
- National Black Law Journal UCLA-National Black Law Journal has been committed to scholarly discourse exploring the intersection of race and the law for thirty-five years. The NBLJ was started in 1970 by 5 African-American law...
- National Society Of Black Engineers (NSBE) To increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.
- National Society of Collegiate Scholars To recognize outstanding achievement among college students and encourage members to develop leadership skills through community service. To further provide scholarships, career, and networking...
- Neuroscience Undergraduate Society (NUS) Established in 1994 and reestablished in Fall 2000, the Neuroscience Undergraduate Society (NUS) focuses on educating the UCLA community about both the field of neuroscience and the Neuroscience...
- New German Review: A Journal of Germanic Studies Since 1985 New German Review has provided a medium for graduate students, post-docs, and junior faculty to share original research with the academic community worldwide. New German Review is a...
- New test demo New test demo
- Not Registered – Climatepedia To provide an informal outlet for professors to publicize their research and create interactive learning tools that students and the public can use to better understand climate change and its...
- Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity Inc. Nu Alpha Kappa is a Latino-based fraternity, which encompasses and values all cultures. The fraternity shall be known as a fraternal organization comprised of Men of Mind, Men of Culture, and Men of...
- Nursing Students at UCLA The functions of this organization shall include the following: a.) To have direct input into standards of nursing education and influence the educational process; b.) To influence health care and...
- Optical Society of America/Society for Optical Engineering Student Chapter We are the student chapter of Optical Society of America (OSA) and the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) at UCLA.
- Organization of African-American Students Excelling in STEM The purpose of OASES is to provide academic, professional and personal support and guidance to African-American students in the STEM fields. Our goals are to promote greater retention rates, increase...
- Orofacial Pain Study Club A club dedicated to learning more about the field of Orofacial Pain
- Pan African Nursing Student and Alumni Association To provide a forum that addresses the academic, professional, and social concerns of students enrolled in the UCLA School of Nursing. To promote a celebration of diversity and unity through its...
- Peaks and Professors at UCLA Peaks and Professors at UCLA is dedicated to bringing students and professors together outside the classroom. Our mission is to facilitate these unique interactions by leading small groups of...
- Pediatric Interest Club @ UCLA To promote and advocate for the health of the pediatric population through community outreach and education for students interested in pediatric nursing in order to better the lives of children and...
- Peers Espousing Amiability, Cooperation, and Education PEACE is a student organization dedicated reducing educational disparities and fostering a cooperative and non-competitive environment at UCLA.
- Phi Alpha Theta - Theta Upsilon Chapter We are a professional society whose mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among...
- Phi Kappa Sigma Welcome to the Alpha Psi Colony of Phi Kappa Sigma at the University of California, Los Angeles. Being part of PKS is more than joining an organization. It is a lifelong commitment to academics,...
- Phi Sigma Pi Phi Sigma Pi is a National Co-ed Honor Fraternity that focuses on the tripod of scholarship, leadership, and fellowship. The Zeta Lambda Chapter at UCLA is home to many undergrads in various fields...
- Philosophy Club at UCLA Sometimes you feel as if you've got it all figured out. Other times you feel lost and bewildered. Or perhaps you're just in between and need something to work with. No matter how out-of-this-world...
- Philosophy Graduate Student Association The Philosophy Graduate Student Association promotes the interests of graduate students in the UCLA Department of Philosophy and to support the annual USC-UCLA Graduate Conference in philosophy.
- Pi Sigma Alpha, Epsilon Chapter Pi Sigma Alpha is a national political science honor society whose membership is based on academic achievement in political science, as well as on overall academic achievement. The Epsilon chapter at...
- Pi Sigma Epsilon Pi Sigma Epsilon is a professional business fraternity specializing in the advancement of the sales, marketing, and management professions. We are a not-for-profit, co-ed organization with over sixty...
- Pilipinos In Engineering and Science Pilipinos In Engineering is an academic club on campuses that is focused on providing Pilipino students, as well as students of all backgrounds, resources and support in order to become successful...
- Planners of Color for Social Equity We understand that racism, homophobia, xenophobia, classism, sexism, ageism, and the dehumanization of marginalized communities are institutionalized and continue to impede social equity and justice...
- Political Science Graduate Students Association Student group for Political Science department graduate students.
- Pre-Law Transfer Society We are the first pre-law society that seeks to help transfer students at UCLA learn more about the law school admissions process and about careers in law.
- Pre-medical Undergraduate Learning through Shadowing Experience (PULSE) UCLA’s Ronald Reagan Medical Center is a teaching institute that has long been regarded as the “Best in the West.” PULSE aims to collaborate with the physicians at the Ronald Reagan Medical Center to...
- Pre-Veterinary Society We are the Pre-Veterinary Society at UCLA. We encourage anybody pursuing a career in veterinary medicine or any type of animal science to join! We have biweekly meetings throughout the quarter,...
- Psi Chi International Psychology Honor Society What is Psi Chi? Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the...
- Psychology Interdisciplinary Events Psychology Interdisciplinary Events is comprised of a group of graduate students, primarily from the Psychology Department, who organize interdisciplinary events for the general public by working...
- PULSE Student Association PULSE is an organization dedicated to examining and exploring the complex and multifaceted connections between science, technology, evidence, and the law. PULSE aims to do this by examining how...
- Qscholars of UCLA QScholars of UCLA strives to give Queer undergraduate students the opportunity to engage in and present research that focuses on Queer themes and issues. As an organization, Q-Scholars challenges...
- Quale at UCLA, The The Quale aims to investigate the problem of bridging the "fathomless chasm" between the objective, material brain and the subjective mind by integrating different fields of study and introducing it...
- Queer Graduate Students of UCLA We are a graduate student organization affiliated with LGBT Studies, which strives to promote, engage, and shed-light to LGBT and queer scholarship. We are responsible for organizing UCLA's annual...
- SACNAS at UCLA To foster the success of science students, postdocs and professionals by providing a forum for academic, social and community activities and services--regardless of ethnic background, but with an...
- Sarv Cultural Group (Int'l Solidarity w Iranian civil right's mvmt) Creating an educational opportunity for the UCLA community to learn about the Iranian culture.
- Scabbard & Blade Military Honor Society Scabbard & Blade is a military honor society originally founded at the University of Wisconsin in 1904. We promote leadership development, cameraderie, and participate in service events for the local...
- School of Public Affairs API Caucus, UCLA The API Caucus strives to bring awareness to the social issues faced by the diverse communities represented in the Asian (American) Pacific Islander population. These issues include, and are not...
- SciComm Hub @ UCLA We provide resources and networking opportunities for grads and undergrads interested in careers in science education, outreach, and communication.
- Science Speaks at ucla An open platform for undergraduate students in scientific research to exchange knowledge, experience and ideas relating to their respective field. Come join our journal clubs, workshops and faculty...
- Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honors Society at UCLA Sigma Tau Delta is an International English Honors Society. We exist to promote the discipline of English studies at the undergraduate level. We encourage our members to advance their study of...
- Sister2Sister Sister2Sister is an organization that has transpired after a cohort of 20 first-year Black womxn at UCLA took the course, Education 98- The Birth of Renaissance. Four dynamic Black female...
- Social Welfare Diversity Caucus The Diversity Caucus seeks to work with the Department of Social Welfare in finding solutions to overcome the barriers that make it challenging to enroll diverse groups of incoming students into the...
- Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement at UCLA, The The SCLA National Honor Society recognizes the academic achievement of students and develops their scholastic, career, and life success. Valuing leadership, achievement, and community, SCLA is...
- Society of Physics Students SPS is a fun club where students interested in the physical sciences relax with like-minded students. The primary purpose of the club is to foster camaraderie between students of the physics...
- Sociology Undergraduate Association The Sociology Undergraduate Association is committed to fostering a community among UCLA students, alumni, and faculty who are interested in the academic pursuit of sociology. In addition to hosting...
- South Asia Graduate Association We are a group of graduate students from various departments at UCLA. We organize an annual interdisciplinary conference on South Asia at UCLA and host bi-monthly workshops for reading and presenting...
- Spanish & Portuguese Graduate Student Association The Spanish & Portuguese Graduate Student Association (SPGSA) acts as a bridge between graduate students, our faculty colleagues, and the wider UCLA community. Members of this annually elected...
- Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Conference Association The Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Conference Association is a graduate student organization at UCLA that organizes the annual Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Student Conference. It provides...
- Spanish Language Circle Spanish Language Circle (formerly The Undergraduate Spanish and Portuguese Association) is an organization for UCLA students who want to practice speaking Spanish on a weekly basis. All levels of...
- Stamps Scholars Society at UCLA The Stamps Scholars Society at UCLA strives to embody E. Roe and Penny Stamps' message of family, philanthropy, and change.
- Statistics Students Association The Statistics Students Association exists to provide graduate and undergraduate students in the Statistics Department with group events, social activities, career building, community service and...
- STEM Transfer Community The purpose of the STEM Transfer Community is to inform, empower, and unite STEM transfer students at UCLA. This program will create a transfer receptive culture for these students and provide them...
- Student Association for Latin American Studies SALAS will provide a forum for academic, cultural, social and political exchange primarily, but not exclusively, for Latin American Studies students.
- Student Chapter of the Society of American Archivists Established in 1996 and re-formed in the fall of 1999, the SAA student chapter at UCLA is an official student chapter of the Society of American Archivists. Our faculty advisor is Professor Anne...
- Student Chapter of the Society of California Archivists at UCLA This organization is intended to connect emerging and established archivists in the Los Angeles community and beyond.
- Student Members of the American Chemical Society, UCLA Chapter The objectives of this Chapter shall be to afford opportunities for students of a chemical science to become better acquainted, to provide and introduce resources pertaining to academic scholarship...
- Student Stroke Team In 1992, recognizing the need for earlier detection and treatment of strokes, famed UCLA emergency room physician and neurologist Dr. Sidney Starkman gathered a fortunate group of UCLA undergraduate...
- Student Transfer Outreach and Mentor Program Student Transfer Outreach and Mentor Program (STOMP) works in collaboration with UCLA Undergraduate Admission to inform, motivate, and inspire underrepresented California community college students...
- Students for Retention The organization is meant for students to advocate on behalf of UCLA students. Our purpose is to ensure that there is 100% retention of students at this campus. Also, with the methodologies created...
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- Test 04/18 Testing
- test 04/2511 Registered Campus Organizations (RCOs) can find a variety funding sources on campus to support their programs. Student Organizations, Leadership & Engagement or SOLE (formerly CSP) Advisors provides...
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- The Academic, Mentorship, and Professional Development Project AMPD provides MSA UCLA members services and resources to become stronger muslim leaders in the academic and professional spheres through free textbook loans and study notes, peer and alumni...
- The American Association of University Women at UCLA The American Association of University Women (AAUW) is the nation’s leading voice promoting equity and education for women and girls. Since our founding in 1881, AAUW members have examined and taken...
- The California Geotechnical Engineering Association at UCLA We of the CalGeo Student Chapter at UCLA have a simple goal, to build lasting connections between the academic and industrial faces in the field of Geotechnical Earthquake engineering. We present...
- The College Bowl Club at UCLA The College Bowl Club at UCLA is an organization of UCLA undergraduate and graduate students who compete in and host academic trivia (i.e. quizbowl) competitions. The purpose of the College Bowl...
- The Generation The Generation is an online foreign affairs magazine featuring students’ perspectives on global current events. The site’s title is a recognition that — through factors such as news, social media,...
- The Healthcare Improvement & iNnovation in Quality (THINQ) Collaborative The Department of Medicine is thrilled to continue its commitment to enhancing quality of care delivery at UCLA Health with the THINQ Fellowship. THINQ is a unique collaborative in health care...
- The Historical Society at UCLA The Historical Society at UCLA is an undergraduate organization for students with an interest in history. There are weekly general meetings focusing on a specific historical event or topic, as well...
- The International Circle of Genetics Studies We are a student group dedicated to promoting professional training in genetics and molecular biology through study, scientific research, and collaboration with various institutions at both national...
- The Thomistic Institute Chapter at UCLA The Thomistic Institute exists to promote Catholic truth in our contemporary world by strengthening the intellectual formation of Christians at universities, in the Church, and in the wider public...
- The Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology An annual publication of collaborative efforts between undergraduate students at UCLA and other universities, The Undergraduate Journal of Psychology at UCLA aims to promote and disseminate student...
- The Veritas Forum at UCLA The Veritas Forum at UCLA aims to plan, host and coordinate conversation events, seminar series, and forums which allow exploration of true life. Our goal is to create open and safe environments...
- The Women's Reproductive Health Research and Awareness Club The Women's Reproductive Research Program was developed in 2013 to support basic science and clinical research regarding reproductive and metabolic problems related to polycystic ovary syndrome...
- Translation Studies Working Group Goals: sharing research in progress related to translation studies sharing translations in progress – workshop for literary translation creating community across fields through shared interest in...
- Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies Named after the Swahili word for comprehension, understanding or being, Ufahamu is an interdisciplinary journal of African Studies. Since its establishment in 1970, UFAHAMU continues to challenge...
- Undergraduate Anthropological Association The Undergraduate Anthropology Association aims to establish a familiarity between faculty in the anthropology department and club members as well as other anthropology students. We encourage student...
- Undergraduate Communication Association The Undergraduate Communication Association (UCA) is a student-run organization that promotes interest and success in the field of communication. We develop an invaluable network between students and...
- Undergraduate Economics Society The Undergraduate Economics Society (UES) is an elite professional club that strives to actively connect students with faculty for academic and professional opportunities. In addition, UES publishes...
- Undergraduate Investment Society This group is dedicated for trading/investing in stock, commodities, and options. We teach and breath investments.
- Undergraduate Mathematics Student Association The Undergraduate Mathematics Students Association is a student group sponsored by the UCLA Mathematics Department. It is open to all people that are interested in mathematics, particularly catering...
- Undergraduate Science Journal The Undergraduate Science Journal (USJ) is a student-run academic journal funded and supported by the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) in conjunction with UCLA's Undergraduate...
- UndocuNurses at UCLA UndocuNurses at UCLA focuses on three primary objectives: creating a safe and inclusive space for our undocumented student population, retaining our current/future students pursuing a nursing...
- United Korean STEM Association The purpose of United Korean STEM Association, shortly UKSA, is to provide a supportive atmosphere for in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields of study among Korean...
- Urban Planning Student Association The Urban Planning Student Association (“UPSA”) serves as the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs Urban Planning Department’s student governing body.
- USAC Academic Affairs Commission To advocate on behalf of the students to the administration on all academic issues.
- USAC Finance Committee The Finance Committee comprises of seven members: Chair (1), Vice-Chair (1), committee members (3), and alternates (2). The Finance Committee is responsible for handling all financial matters of...
- Watts Tutorial Program The Watts Tutorial Program serves the educational needs of underprivileged elementary through high school students residing in the Nickerson Garden, Jordan Down, Imperial Court and William Mead...
- World Arts & Cultures Graduate Student Organization The purposes of the World Arts and Cultures Graduate Student Organization are to 1) support its members' studies by sponsoring events on campus and by providing opportunities for graduate students to...
- WTS Student Chapter @ UCLA It is the mission of WTS@UCLA to empower women interested in the field of transportation and to increase diversity within the industry. Our aim is to foster professional development for students by...
- Yan Xin Life Science & Technology Study Group at UCLA The purpose of this group is to promote awareness of a Chinese tradition based healthy life style through studying the newly published Yan Xin Life Science & Technology® research papers and related...
- Young Professionals in Research Young Professionals in Research is an Undergraduate and Graduate Student Organization dedicated to providing students with the opportunity to advance their future career goals through research. Our...