- 1st Generation Law Students at UCLA 1st Generation Law Students was started to address legal and social issues relevant to first generation law students. We welcome all individuals regardless of ethnic and socioeconomic background who...
- Advocates for Children and Teens Mission: The Advocates for Children and Teens provides the law school with 1) a forum for discussing policy that affects children and 2) a community that supports and encourages academic and...
- American Constitution Society The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS) is one of the nation's leading progressive legal organizations. Founded in 2001, ACS is a rapidly growing network of lawyers, law students,...
- APPDEV-11199 A Signatory Validation APPDEV-11199 A Signatory Validation
- Armenian Law Students Association The objectives of this organization are to provide a means for ALSA members to further their educational and career objectives: 1. To provide a forum where law students of Armenian background or...
- Armenian Pre-Law Student Association Armenian Pre-Law Student Association strives to give UCLA undergraduate students the opportunity to learn about requirements for successful admission to law school and the profession of law. APLSA...
- Art Law Society The Art Law Society at UCLA School of Law is a group of law students interested in the arts and the legal aspects of the art world. The Society’s mission is to provide a forum for students to explore...
- Asian Pacific American Law Journal The Asian Pacific American Law Journal (APALJ) focuses exclusively on the legal, social and political issues affecting Asian Pacific American communities. APALJ plays an important role by providing a...
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- Black Law Student Association The Purpose of this Association shall be to: Recruit Black students into the law school; Articulate and promote the professional needs and goals of Black Law Students; Focus upon the relationship...
- Black Pre-Law Association at UCLA The Black Pre-Law Association at UCLA is a collection of empowered leaders who stand to eradicate the inequities that exist within American laws and institutions.The mission of the Black Pre-Law...
- Business Law Association Our goal is to bring together students and faculty from different UCLA Departments to provide students with greater insight into careers and practice at the intersection of law and business.
- Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review Over the last 30 years, the Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review (CLLR) has provided an essential forum for the discussion of central issues affecting the Latino community.
- Christian Law Students Association The mission of the Christian Legal Student Association is to inspire, encourage, and equip law students both individually and in community to proclaim, love and serve Jesus Christ through the study...
- Criminal Justice Law Review The Criminal Justice Law Review (CJLR) at UCLA focuses on current topics in criminal law, policy, and practice. CJLR seeks to develop a discourse regarding criminal justice by publishing articles,...
- Criminal Justice Society The UCLA Criminal Justice Society (“CJS”) is a student group that strives to advance justice within the criminal law system. We will do this by promoting criminal law dialogue, practice, reform,...
- Disability Law Society Disability Law Society (DLS) is a safe space for students with and without disabilities interested in disability law and policy. We understand that each disability is unique, and our experiences...
- Education Law and Policy Society The Education and Law Society seeks to provide UCLA Law students with information, events, and professional connections regarding the intersection of law and education.
- El Centro Legal Clinics El Centro Legal is UCLA School of Law’s student-coordinated network of volunteer legal aid clinics. Through each of El Centro's clinics, students provide legal services on a volunteer basis to a...
- Empirical Legal Scholars Association The empirical legal scholars association provides an opportunity to law students to work together to gain a better understanding of how to create, interpret, and use empirical research.
- Entertainment Law Association The purpose of the ELA shall be as follows: To advance the knowledge of UCLA School of Law students as to the legal and business practices of the entertainment industry; To foster an active...
- Environmental Law Society The purpose of the ELS is to serve as an organizational structure for students with common interests in environmental issues and activities, and to supplement the activities of the Journal of...
- Family Law Society The principal mission of the Family Law Society is to explore salient issues in California family law and to generate interest among UCLA Law students in pursuing a family law practice. To achieve...
- Federalist Society The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the...
- Food Law Society FLS seeks to bring awareness to the broad personal and professional implications of food and agriculture laws and policies, support students who are developing careers in this area, and provide an...
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- Health Law Society The mission of the Health Law Society (HLS) is to raise the profile of health law issues at the school and to provide exposure to the field and opportunities for students interested in studying and...
- IF/WHEN/HOW: LAW STUDENTS FOR REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE The purpose of If/When/How: Law Students for Reproductive Justice (“LSRJ”) shall be to provide students at the UCLA School of Law with a community that promotes and a forum for the discussion of...
- Indigenous Peoples' Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance We are the Indigenous Peoples’ Journal of Law, Culture & Resistance and we are here to serve as a law journal that publishes writings concerning Native Peoples’ cultures, traditions, and histories....
- Intellectual Property Law Association The purpose of the Association is to offer law students the opportunity to better understand the practice of intellectual property law. The Association shall also offer those students interested in...
- International Human Rights Law Association To provide a forum for law students to develop knowledge and share experience in international human rights law.
- Iranian Law Students Association The Iranian Law Students Association (ILSA) consists of students at the UCLA School of Law who are dedicated to academic and professional excellence and committed to the advancement of the Iranian...
- J. Reuben Clark Law Society We affirm the strength brought to the study of law by a law student's personal religious conviction. We strive through public service and diligence in our studies to promote fairness and virtue...
- Jewish Law Students Assn. The Jewish Law Students Association provides Jewish educational, professional, cultural, social, and spiritual programs and resources for the students and community of UCLA Law School, with the goal...
- Journal of Environmental Law and Policy The purpose of the Journal of Environmental Law and Policy is to publish a bi-annual journal of timely, relevant scholarship in the field of environmental law and policy.
- Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs The UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs is an interdisciplinary publication promoting scholarship in international law and foreign relations.
- Journal of Law and Technology (JOLT) The UCLA Journal of Law & Technology (JOLT) strives to publish quality scholarship on Intellectual Property Law and other legal issues at the intersection of law and modern technology. JOLT seeks to...
- Kappa Alpha Pi Pre-Law Fraternity at UCLA We are a pre-law fraternity designed to foster knowledge of the law for undergraduate students.
- La RAZA Law Student Association at UCLA La Raza's primary focus is to recruit, support, and graduate Raza students. We advocate for training that prepares students to meet the needs of the legally underserved, particularly in the Latina/o...
- Labor and Employment Law Association The Labor and Employment Law Association (LELA) is dedicated to protecting workers’ rights and supporting the labor movement. The Association’s objective is to create a forum for law students to...
- Latinx Pre-Law Association The Latinx Pre-Law Association is an organization dedicated to the advancement of Latinx, Chicanx, and Raza self-identified folks with an interest in pursuing a legal career. Through active community...
- Law and Entrepreneurship Association The Law and Entrepreneurship Association ("LEA") promotes education, discussion, and career development for students interested in the intersection of law and entrepreneurship. We sponsor speakers...
- Law and Philosophy Association at UCLA law The purpose of the Law and Philosophy Association is to promote philosophical engagement with the study and practice of law.
- Law Review, UCLA The UCLA Law Review is published six times a year by the students of the UCLA School of Law and the Regents of the University of California. The Law Review is a completely student-run organization...
- Law Students for Immigrant Justice Law Students for Immigrant Justice seeks to mobilize UCLA Law students to participate in dialogue and advocacy on behalf of immigrants on the UCLA campus and in the Los Angeles community.
- Law Students in Balance The Law Students in Balance group teaches law students various strategies for dealing with everyday stress, balancing their personal and student/professional lives, and preparing themselves for the...
- Law Women of UCLA Law Women of UCLA provides a forum for female law students to discuss gender-related issues at the law school and in the legal profession. It provides opportunities for networking with prominent...
- LawCappella LawCappella helps students curb the stress of law school through music.
- LOUIS D BRANDEIS CENTER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS UNDER LAW CHAPTER AT UCLA This organization is a chapter of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, an independent, nonprofit organization established to protect the civil and human rights of the Jewish...
- Mock Trial Association at UCLA Mock Trial is committed to providing resources for students interested in learning the necessary skills to become an accomplished trial attorney, providing extensive training materials and...
- Mock Trial at UCLA MOCKTRIAL@UCLA is a student-run undergraduate organization that specializes in trial advocacy, public speaking, critical thinking, and theatrical performances. Using a fact pattern provided at the...
- Moot Court Honors Program The Moot Court Honors Program is an intramural competition open to second and third year law students. The Moot Court Honors Program is dedicated to promoting appellate advocacy by UCLA Law students,...
- Muslim Law Student Association MLSA is an inclusive space for members to build community and exchange ideas.
- National Lawyers Guild The National Lawyers Guild is an association dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system. We seek to unite the lawyers, law students, legal workers,...
- Native American Law Students Association (NALSA) To promote unity among Native American law students and to provide a base from which work can be done for the advancement of Native American peoples. In addition, NALSA strives to provide better...
- OUTLaw OUTLaw is established for the express purposes of: providing a social network for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) law students at UCLA; organizing career,...
- Pacific Basin Law Journal Pacific Basin Law Journal (PBLJ) is the second oldest journal at UCLAW, founded in 1982. PBLJ publishes twice a year on a diverse range of legal and policy issues concerning the Pacific Rim, which...
- Pre-Law Society at UCLA To act as a source of information and guidance for students considering law school or a career in the legal field.
- Pre-Law Transfer Society We are the first pre-law society that seeks to help transfer students at UCLA learn more about the law school admissions process and about careers in law.
- PULSE Student Association PULSE is an organization dedicated to examining and exploring the complex and multifaceted connections between science, technology, evidence, and the law. PULSE aims to do this by examining how...
- RCO Build #5 SOLE & FSL Last Name Does Not Update During Resubmit RCO Build #5 SOLE & FSL Last Name Does Not Update During Resubmit
- Real Estate Law Association The mission the Real Estate Law Association is to introduce law students to the intersection between law and the real estate industry and to expose students to the ways in which real estate can play...
- Secular Law Students Association The purpose of this organization is to explore and discuss issues pertaining to life as a secularist and to advocate for causes which further the rights of secularists. This will include...
- South Asian Law Students Association UCLA SALSA is dedicated to providing a forum for South Asian law students to exchange thoughts and ideas pertaining to the South Asian community, to develop a support and referral network, to provide...
- Sports Law Federation Increase sports law awareness and disseminate career opportunities for those interested in sports law.
- Student Bar Association The Student Bar Association (SBA) at UCLA Law is committed to providing services to students and serving as liaison between the administration and students.
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- Veterans Law Society The Veterans Law Society (VLS) provides a community at the UCLA School of Law that supports academic and social activities related to issues relevant to veterans and military service. Membership in...
- Women's Pre-Law Association The mission of the Women's Pre-Law Association is to empower, educate, and support female pre-law students to advance within legal professions. This organization was formed to help overcome the...
- Womyn of Color Collective The Womyn of Color Collective is dedicated to creating a safe space and a community within the UCLA School of Law where the unique experiences, opinions, challenges, and successes of womyn and womyn...