- 01/2022 Community Test Org Test organization for Community API
- Advanced Degree Consulting Club Advanced Degree Consulting Club (ADCC) serves advanced degree candidates (with a specific focus on PhD and Master students) that are passionate about pursuing management consulting as their career...
- ALPFA We aim to expand the opportunities for underrepresented students who seek careers in accounting, finance, business and related fields by empowering them to develop as leaders through the management...
- Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders. Our main objectives include: 1. To further the individual welfare of its members; 2. To foster scientific...
- Anderson Student Association The Anderson Student Association (ASA) governs the UCLA Anderson student body to ensure a high quality of student life and to build relationships between students, faculty, alumni, and the business...
- Apparel Industry Careers (AIC) The purpose of this club or organization shall be to provide students on the UCLA campus job and internship opportunities within the apparel industry and to prepare them for these networking events...
APPDEV-11047 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. SOLE Re-Registration 2 Young leaders 21 is an organization that seeks to promote new business opportunities continually evolving in the light of the modern economy. The organization aims to welcome leaders of this new...
- APPDEV-11100 Test Case #2 2023 01 24 1/24: APPDEV-11100 Test Case #2 2023 01 24
APPDEV-11198 One Signatory Hidden APPDEV-11198 One Signatory Hidden
- APPDEV-8718 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. Registration APPDEV-8718 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. Registration March 22,...
- Ascend at University of California, Los Angeles Chapter Ascend at UCLA is a non-profit organization that provides opportunities for students to cultivate leadership and networking skills that will help them to connect with various business institutions....
- Association of Asian Entrepreneurs Association of Asian Entrepreneurs (AAE) is a student organization that focuses on creating a professional network among Asians pursuing to start a business and assisting members through their...
- Association of Students in Economics and Commercial Sciences at UCLA Founded in 1948, AIESEC is the largest student organization in the world, with 800,000 alumni and chapters present in 126 countries. Our global network has created 30,000 exchanges in 2014 and UCLA...
- Auto Testing 2 11111111 This is for automation testing
Auto Testing This is for automation testing
- AY Consulting The object and purpose of AY Consulting shall be to further the individual welfare of its members; to foster research in the fields of consulting and finance; to educate the public; and to promote...
- BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration 2022 12 05 12/5: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration 2022 12 05...
- BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration 11/22: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration
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- Beta Alpha Psi Beta Alpha Psi is an accounting honors organization. It is a premier professional business and financial information organization that recognizes academic excellence and complements members' formal...
- Bio-Business This organization is to bring together students interested in the health and technology field of business. It hopes to attract students who want to pursue a financial role in the large industry of...
- Biotech Investors Club at UCLA The Biotech Investors club at UCLA aims to bridge the gap between the scientific and finance communities at-large by 1) Discussing current trends in biotechnology and medicine 2) To leverage the...
- Black Business Student Association The Black Business Student Association is a student-run organization dedicated to connecting the business leaders of tomorrow with the opportunities that are made available today. Our main focus...
- Brazilian Student Association BRASA is a comprehensive club that embodies academic and professional spheres, as well as cultural and social domains. We want to provide a place for the Brazilian community and those interested in...
- Bruin Actuarial Society The Bruin Actuarial Society serves as a liaison between the UCLA student body and the professional actuarial community. We provide students with the resources and opportunities necessary for a...
- Bruin Asset Management Bruin Asset Management is a student-run mutual fund that hopes to create an interactive, hands-on, and practical way for finance-inclined students to go through simulated stock pitches and investor...
- Bruin Crypto Trading A group for anyone interested in learning more about the developing world of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc. This group will help expose students to investing, mining, and...
- Bruin Hedge Fund At BHF, we are dedicated to helping our members gain hands on experience in investing, and we aim to educate potential recruits with the goal of preparing them as much as possible for a...
- Bruin Investment and Trading Group BIT Group is concerned with serving the UCLA community by fostering the education, discussion, and application of investment techniques to best react to the constantly changing macroeconomic...
- Bruin Marketing Bruin Marketing is a student organization established to educate and provide a better understanding of the marketing and advertising industries. To compensate for the lack of marketing and business...
- Bruin Real Estate Association The Bruin Real Estate Association is dedicated to providing its members with the skills and connections necessary to succeed in the highly competitive fields related to commercial real estate...
- Bruin Small Business Development Society The Bruin Small Business Development Society aims to educate UCLA students about career opportunities in small business, promote professionalism with the goal of transforming UCLA students into young...
- Bruin Sports Management Bruin Sports Management delves into the business of the sports world, discussing management strategies, trades, and contracts. We will focus on the four major sports-- NFL, NBA, NHL, and MLB. These...
- Bruin Value Investing Bruin Value Investing is a student managed investment fund on campus with members from various majors and career paths including private equity, investment banking, investment management, and...
- Bruin Venture Partners VENTURE's mission is to develop a culture of startup thinking at UCLA. Our organization facilitates entrepreneurship, business, and finance among UCLA students by providing resources, networking, and...
- Bruin Venture To promote the understanding of how Venture Capital firm operates. To encourage student involvement and to promote services activities within said community. To act as a medium for the members...
- Bruin Ventures Our goal within UCLA is to establish a community that inspires startup culture and spark talent to pursue innovative ventures. Our club’s greatest strength lies in our diversity. As one of the only...
- Bruin Women in Business Bruin Women in Business is UCLA's premier female business association that aims to help students achieve their career goals and development the skills needed to obtain the careers they want to...
- Business Law Association Our goal is to bring together students and faculty from different UCLA Departments to provide students with greater insight into careers and practice at the intersection of law and business.
- Business Resources Integration Business Resources Integration (BRI) is an organization that aims to integrate various business resources and provide students networking opportunities with well-known professionals and...
- Business Transfer Network at UCLA The purpose of this club shall be the following: 1. To stimulate and facilitate a student business network primarily for transfer students. 2. To empower transfer students with career information...
- California Creativity Event Planning CCEP is founded by a group of UCLA students who enjoys various forms of event planning to serve the needs of international Chinese students in Southern California. We undertake, design, and carry out...
- Chinese Business Society Chinese Business Society (CBS) at UCLA is a student organization dedicated to help students to reach their career goals in business ventures. We believe in the tremendous potential of individuals to...
- Collegiate Networks UCLA We are a club that works with the company Collegiate Networks ( to help give students experience in the digital and traditional marketing business. We work hand-in-hand with...
- DB Change 9/13 hfkjbsagfjab
- Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual...
- Discovering Dialysis We are a nonprofit organization that strives to provide dialysis equipment to clinics in third world countries.
- Edubase at UCLA Edubase at UCLA provides student-driven marketing consulting services to nonprofits. Edubase at UCLA will be an affiliate chapter of Edubase, Inc.
- Email Test 11/21a change descx
- Enactus at UCLA Enactus is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring students to improve the world through entrepreneurial action. We provide a platform for teams of outstanding university...
- Eta Omega Chi - HOX @ UCLA Eta Omega Chi Alpha chapter is established at UC Berkeley, Beta chapter at UC Davis. We strive to build an elite community to share exclusive resources and opportunities. Our goals to pursue...
- Ethereum Club at UCLA The Ethereum Club at UCLA is a student organization dedicated to the study, research and general discussion of the Ethereum platform (including the Ether Cryptocurrency), and the Blockchain...
- Fashion Design & Merchandising Fashion Design and Merchandising is an organization that seeks to give students the opportunity to learn about and engage in fashion design and merchandising through the promotion of apparel sales....
- Financial Data Technologies Investment Club Most on-campus, student-run investment clubs deal more in theory than in application. FDTIC, however, is rooted in experiential learning. Via proprietary investment systems and platforms, members not...
- Future Business Leaders of America - Phi Beta Lambda FBLA-PBL is a premier student business organization that offers members the opportunity to develop skills in leadership, networking, team-building, and communication through competitive events,...
- Gaming Law Association The Gaming Law Association is a law-student organization dedicated to educating students about careers in gambling law in the United States and Europe. Since this an emerging field of law, we will...
- Global Business Connection at UCLA GBC is a platform that better connects students with successful entrepreneurs and individuals in the business industries. We aim to provide students with better exposure of business world, and...
- Grouper TEst 06/04 dfbvashfhav
- Human Resources Management The Human Resources Management(HRM) is a student organization to provide UCLA students with the opportunity to gain knowledge in the field of Human Resources Management.
- Infinite Infinite's primary focus is teaching members about portfolio management and the importance of investing early. In addition, Infinite focuses on educating members to properly invest in the stock...
- Innovation in Health Innovation in Health brings together students, researchers, professionals from various disciplines as well as, policy makers, and community members to tackle the complex challenges public health and...
- Investing & Trading Analyst (ITA) Association Nowadays, as technology grows exponentially, there have been many changes on how economic works, especially Wall Street. Statistic shows that 84% of all stock trades are operated by High-Frequency...
- IT-119438 test 12/18 It-119438 VK test on 12/18
KC 01/13 Test org2
- Korean Investment Club KIC is a club made my three friends who are interested in investment. We will be teaching members about the foundations about the stock market and how to invest. Many people seemed to be scared about...
- Korean Job Search As a leading intercollegiate Korean student association, KOJOBS acts as a bridge- a channel of communication-between the UCLA student body and external organizations/companies. Through various events...
- Korean Undergraduate Business Society Korean Undergraduate Business Society is a student organization at UCLA that focuses on creating a professional network among Koreans pursuing a career in Finance, including the fields such as...
- Latino Business Student Association Since its inception in 1994, the Latino Business Student Association (LBSA) at UCLA has experienced dramatic growth. From its founding class of less than ten members, it has blossomed into an...
- Law and Entrepreneurship Association The Law and Entrepreneurship Association ("LEA") promotes education, discussion, and career development for students interested in the intersection of law and entrepreneurship. We sponsor speakers...
- MoneyThink Moneythink, a mentoring organization honored by President Barack Obama at the White House, selects and trains top college students to make financial decision making and career planning fun and...
- Music Industry Committee UCLA's first ever student organization dedicated to the music industry. The purpose of the Music Industry Committee (MIC) is to bring events and opportunities to campus for those who have an interest...
- Net Impact Net Impact at UCLA is an organization run by students whose mission is to inspire, educate, and provide individuals with the necessary tools to intertwine business and social impact, creating a more...
- new test rco new test rco funds
- Nourish International We work on a social entrepreneurship model. Students raise funds through business ventures during the year and invest in community-based sustainable development projects abroad during the summer.
- Pi Sigma Epsilon Pi Sigma Epsilon is a professional business fraternity specializing in the advancement of the sales, marketing, and management professions. We are a not-for-profit, co-ed organization with over sixty...
- Real Estate Law Association The mission the Real Estate Law Association is to introduce law students to the intersection between law and the real estate industry and to expose students to the ways in which real estate can play...
- Sigma Eta Pi We are an entrepreneurship fraternity centered around fostering an environment of innovation, leadership and brotherhood.
- Social Media Consulting (SMC) As technology integrates with our daily lives and identity, the use of social media and a desire for strong personal branding is on the rise. Every individual and business can utilize social media...
- SOLE admin test kjfbkabj
- Student Accounting Society The Student Accounting Society (SAS) at UCLA aims to help students learn more about the accounting profession. We hold weekly meetings during the academic school year that help SAS members and...
- Supermileage Vehicle SAE SuperMileage Vehicle is a club where we design and build a single-person, lightweight gasoline-powered vehicle that will obtain the highest possible fuel efficiency. Members will be able to gain...
- TAMID Group at UCLA Connecting American, business-minded students to the Israeli economy through experiential learning, pro-bono consulting, and stock-research competitions.
- Test 11/05- re-reg testing for RCO by VK 11/18
Test Organization Images Test Organization Images
- test test test test test
- Test Wednesday Test Wednesday2
- testsignatorynot testetst
- THAT THAT is an organization/club devoted to bringing your unique, weird or absurd ideas to life to better and entertain our campus. Our motto is "Qui Fecit Nos", which roughly translates to "We Did...
- The Bruin Group The Bruin Group is an organization of student consultants working to provide quality, pro-bono advisory services for startups and non-profits. We partner with clients in a variety of industries to...
- Three Day StartUp at UCLA Founded by a group of cross-disciplinary students frustrated with the unexpressed potential for startups in the university environment, the initial 3 Day Startup program took place at the University...
- UConsulting UConsulting is a brand new student organization on the UCLA campus. We are dedicating to providing students with the resources and opportunities to break into the consulting industry regardless of...
- Undergraduate Business Society at UCLA The Undergraduate Business Society (UBS) is the largest student organization at UCLA with an annual membership of more than 5,000 undergraduates. For over 30 years, UBS has offered a variety of...
- Undergraduate Economics Society The Undergraduate Economics Society (UES) is an elite professional club that strives to actively connect students with faculty for academic and professional opportunities. In addition, UES publishes...
- Undergraduate Investment Society This group is dedicated for trading/investing in stock, commodities, and options. We teach and breath investments.
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance UCLA VITA is a non-profit organization that has been serving the West Los Angeles community since 1987. Our goal is to provide income tax return assistance to those in need. We are committed to...