Career Planning
- 12/9 New test SOLE org to re- register
- 1st Generation Law Students at UCLA 1st Generation Law Students was started to address legal and social issues relevant to first generation law students. We welcome all individuals regardless of ethnic and socioeconomic background who...
- abc test by BSA team abc test by BSA team for jira tickets
- Academy of General Dentistjkhkjhkjhkjhkjhkry This is the student chapter of AGD at UCLA School of Dentihuyhiuhkj ih kjhkj hkhkhkh oihoihoihstry.
- Advanced Degree Consulting Club Advanced Degree Consulting Club (ADCC) serves advanced degree candidates (with a specific focus on PhD and Master students) that are passionate about pursuing management consulting as their career...
- Advancing Women in Science and Engineering Advancing Women in Science and Engineering (AWiSE) was initiated in response to the dichotomy that within the professional sector women are less likely to enter science and engineering careers, are...
- American Institute of Architecture Students The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is an independent, nonprofit, student-run organization dedicated to providing unmatched programs, information, and resources on issues critical...
- American Society of Civil Engineers The American Society of Engineers Student Chapter at UCLA (ASCE at UCLA) is a student run club primarily interested in developing the young engineer with an emphasis in civil engineering. The...
- Animation Student Organization The Animation Student Organization (ASO) is an student organization dedicated to helping students within the animation degree at UCLA, both in career aspirations and student life. We establish and...
- Apparel Industry Careers (AIC) The purpose of this club or organization shall be to provide students on the UCLA campus job and internship opportunities within the apparel industry and to prepare them for these networking events...
- APPDEV-11047 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. SOLE Registration 11/18: APPDEV-11047 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. SOLE Registration
APPDEV-11646 Long Image Name Error B APPDEV-11646 Long Image Name Error A
- APPDEV-6821 9/20 Reg Test 2 APPDEV-6821 9/20
- Artifacts Artifacts shall promote the social and professional growth of its members and support the Department of Information Studies. It will provide students at UCLA with the opportunity to explore...
- ASIS&T @ UCLA Providing an organization through which members of ASIS&T who are affiliated with the UCLA Department of Information Studies may participate in and carry forward the programs and purposes of ASIS&T....
- Association of Moving Image Archivists The Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) is a non-profit professional organization that works to advance the practice of moving image archiving. The AMIA Student Chapter at UCLA was founded...
- Auto Testing 2 11111111 This is for automation testing
Auto Testing This is for automation testing
- BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration 2022 11 23 11/23: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration 2022 11 23
- Beauty & Cosmetics at UCLA B&C, which stands for Beauty & Cosmetics, is UCLA’s very first and the only beauty club. It was founded by 3 friends who have passion in beauty and cosmetics. Our aim is to provide members various...
- Biological Science Council at UCLA The UCLA Biological Science Council aims: 1) to provide a forum space for the graduate students within the Biological Sciences to discuss issues pertaining to graduate student life, funding,...
- Biotech Connection Los Angeles at UCLA (formerly Biotech Connection Los Angeles) Biotech Connection Los Angeles at UCLA's mission is to connect academics from across disciplines with each other and the industry resources necessary to move innovation forward. We engage our...
- Bruin Actuarial Society The Bruin Actuarial Society serves as a liaison between the UCLA student body and the professional actuarial community. We provide students with the resources and opportunities necessary for a...
- Bruin Asset Management Bruin Asset Management is a student-run mutual fund that hopes to create an interactive, hands-on, and practical way for finance-inclined students to go through simulated stock pitches and investor...
- Bruin Investment Banking Bruin Investment Banking is an organization that hopes to help students prepare for a career in investment banking. It aims to teach student the skills they need to succeed, including financial...
- Bruin Marketing Bruin Marketing is a student organization established to educate and provide a better understanding of the marketing and advertising industries. To compensate for the lack of marketing and business...
- Bruin Real Estate Association The Bruin Real Estate Association is dedicated to providing its members with the skills and connections necessary to succeed in the highly competitive fields related to commercial real estate...
- Bruin Women in Business Bruin Women in Business is UCLA's premier female business association that aims to help students achieve their career goals and development the skills needed to obtain the careers they want to...
- Bruins for Urban Design and Development Bruins for Urban Design and Development (BUDDY) is dedicated to the representation and empowerment of UCLA Graduate and PhD students interested in the field of urban design. BUDDY also aims to ensure...
- Career Assist Club for Chinese Students We are a club seeking to promote the career development for UCLA Students.
- Chinese Business Society Chinese Business Society (CBS) at UCLA is a student organization dedicated to help students to reach their career goals in business ventures. We believe in the tremendous potential of individuals to...
- Chinese-American Students and Scholars Seminar at UCLA UCLA-C3S is a non-profit, professional platform for academic-related research and career networking at UCLA . Managed by a group of non-paid, dedicated UCLA Ph.D student volunteers, it originates...
- Comparative Literature Graduate Student Association The Comparative Literature Graduate Student Association (CLGSA) acts as a bridge between graduate students, faculty, the Humanities Administrative Group (HAG) and the wider UCLA community. Members of...
- Computer Science Graduate Student Associations Computer Science Graduate Student Associations is a student group within computer science department of UCLA. Our purpose is to make the Computer Science Graduate Community on UCLA campus more active...
- Criminal Justice Society The UCLA Criminal Justice Society (“CJS”) is a student group that strives to advance justice within the criminal law system. We will do this by promoting criminal law dialogue, practice, reform,...
- Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual...
- Engineering Society at UCLA To serve the UCLA engineering community. To coordinate activities with all the engineering related student groups on campus. To plan engineering pride events such as Engineering Welcome Day and...
- Environmental Health Sciences Student Association The purpose of this club is to facilitate academic collaboration and interest amongst members of the UCLA community related to environmental health sciences, specifically amongst the graduate...
- First Steps Mentorship Program The reasoning behind the First Steps Mentorship Program is to create a liaison between incoming freshman from impoverished communities with students with similar backgrounds who attend UCLA. The...
- Genetic Counseling Student Interest Group at UCLA The Genetic Counseling Student Interest Group at UCLA educates students at UCLA about the field of genetic counseling and provides them with tools and opportunities to explore their interest in the...
- Gerontology and Geriatrics Interest Group The mission of the Gerontology and Geriatrics Interest Group (GIG) is three-fold: 1) To educate on issues and current events in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics. 2)To provide service...
- Global Leaders at UCLA Global Mentors is a world wide mentorship program designated to connect college mentors to underrepresented high school students. The purpose of this club is to engage high school students early and...
- Graduate Outreach Advising Link We are a group of graduate students in Spanish & Portuguese that offers personalized mentorship services to majors and minors in our department, assisting them in drafting applications for...
- Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship at UCLA Our Mission The mission of the Graduate-Undergraduate Mentorship (GUM) program is to foster postsecondary success through mentorship relationships between graduate and undergraduate students...
- Human Resources Management The Human Resources Management(HRM) is a student organization to provide UCLA students with the opportunity to gain knowledge in the field of Human Resources Management.
- IT-119438 test 12/18 It-119438 VK test on 12/18
- IT-71029 Rereg Test 1 APPDEV-6809 Test 1 IT-71029 Rereg Test 1...
- Japanese Student Association at UCLA To help Japanese students get acquainted with campus life, promote Japanese culture and language, and also broaden students minds by providing events to meet new people and think about their careers.
- JEWISH UNITY NETWORK Our goal is to promote Jewish Pride and create empowering leaders through programs at University and College campuses
- KC Test Org 11/09 Two this is a test last updated on...
- Korean Job Search As a leading intercollegiate Korean student association, KOJOBS acts as a bridge- a channel of communication-between the UCLA student body and external organizations/companies. Through various events...
- Kris Reregister a
- Latino Business Student Association Since its inception in 1994, the Latino Business Student Association (LBSA) at UCLA has experienced dramatic growth. From its founding class of less than ten members, it has blossomed into an...
- Mentor Me Please(MMP) This organization will be focused on guiding younger student, from high schools and perhaps middle schools. We will do this by organizing workshops and individual coaching for students that will...
- Net Impact Net Impact at UCLA is an organization run by students whose mission is to inspire, educate, and provide individuals with the necessary tools to intertwine business and social impact, creating a more...
- NetSec Our purpose is to hold practical security training workshops, compete in CTF challenges, and prepare members for future study or industry jobs in Cyber Security.
- New test demo New test demo
- new test rco new test rco funds
- PATHS for US PATHS for US is a student led program that seeks to address the limited institutional support that currently exists for undocumented students. This program aims to provide the undocumented student...
- Pre-Optometry Society at UCLA We are dedicated to supporting, educating, and promoting Pre-Optometry students. We offer information about optometry schools, contacts in the profession of optometry, helpful hints and insights...
- Public-Health Initiative: Leaders of Tomorrow PILOT is a public health Pre-Professional Organization at UCLA. We are a career oriented organization that prepares members for graduate schools and future jobs in the public health and health...
- RCO Fund Testing VK 11/18 RCO Fund Testing VK 11/18
- RCO test on 12/9 New org for RCO- on 12/9 for edit profile
- Sales Engineering Club at UCLA The Sales Engineering Club at UCLA serves to increase student awareness and interest of sales engineering as a rewarding career path. We seek to provide students opportunities to network within the...
- Science Policy Group at UCLA The goal of the Science Policy Group at UCLA is to drive the intersection of science, policy, and society in order to address and advocate for critical issues related to science, health, technology,...
- Sigma Eta Pi We are an entrepreneurship fraternity centered around fostering an environment of innovation, leadership and brotherhood.
- Society of Imperial Valley Bruins at UCLA The Society of Imperial Valley Bruins at UCLA serves the following purposes: 1. Establish a continuous relationship between the university and the community of the Imperial County. 2. To outreach...
- Society of Women Engineers The Society of Women Engineers is a national society that has been encouraging females to aspire, advance, and achieve their full potential in the fields of engineering and science. We are devoted to...
- Student Accounting Society The Student Accounting Society (SAS) at UCLA aims to help students learn more about the accounting profession. We hold weekly meetings during the academic school year that help SAS members and...
- Student Chapter American Society of Landscape Architect at UCLA Extension This is the UCLA Extension Student Chapter of ASLA - American Society of Landscape Architects.
- Student Veterans of America at University of California, Los Angeles Section 2.1. The purpose of the SVAUCLA is to foster a community of UCLA veterans, dependents, and supporters to make accessible the essential tools for academic success, continued opportunities of...
- submitted test 11/13 Reregister 3rd time hello
- test test
- The Academic, Mentorship, and Professional Development Project AMPD provides MSA UCLA members services and resources to become stronger muslim leaders in the academic and professional spheres through free textbook loans and study notes, peer and alumni...
- The Bruin Group The Bruin Group is an organization of student consultants working to provide quality, pro-bono advisory services for startups and non-profits. We partner with clients in a variety of industries to...
- The Collective The Collective is a pre professional entertainment group for students with interest in the entertainment industry , including aspects of performance, marketing, event planing , etc. to create a...
- UConsulting UConsulting is a brand new student organization on the UCLA campus. We are dedicating to providing students with the resources and opportunities to break into the consulting industry regardless of...
- Undergraduate Business Society at UCLA The Undergraduate Business Society (UBS) is the largest student organization at UCLA with an annual membership of more than 5,000 undergraduates. For over 30 years, UBS has offered a variety of...
- Undergraduate Communication Association The Undergraduate Communication Association (UCA) is a student-run organization that promotes interest and success in the field of communication. We develop an invaluable network between students and...
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- Women in History Women in History seeks to create a supportive environment for women in the History Department to explore issues related to our academic and professional lives.
- Women's Pre-Law Association The mission of the Women's Pre-Law Association is to empower, educate, and support female pre-law students to advance within legal professions. This organization was formed to help overcome the...
- YACS - Young Adult and Children's Services The purpose of YACS is: To celebrate young adult and children's literature. To facilitate networking between library students and LA-area youth services professionals. To promote the exchange of...
- Young Professionals in Research Young Professionals in Research is an Undergraduate and Graduate Student Organization dedicated to providing students with the opportunity to advance their future career goals through research. Our...