- 3D4E at UCLA 3D4E at UCLA is the Bruin chapter of 3D 'for' Everyone. Our club encourages both cross-discipline collaboration in group projects and pursuit of individual interests. We use fun projects to help...
- abc test by BSA team abc test by BSA team for jira tickets
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) AISES Mission Statement: "The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) is a national, nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of American...
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA is the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession. Created in 1963 by the merger of the two great aerospace societies of the day, the American Rocket Society...
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers The American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) is a professional organization for chemical engineers. AIChE was established in 1908 with the purpose of establishing chemical engineers as a...
- American Society of Civil Engineers The American Society of Engineers Student Chapter at UCLA (ASCE at UCLA) is a student run club primarily interested in developing the young engineer with an emphasis in civil engineering. The...
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME at UCLA is the main source of contact for any mechanical engineering student (or student interested in mechanical engineering) who would like hands-on project experience or information on how to...
- Arab American Association of Engineers and Architects AAAEA is a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious association with the following objectives: A. To establish a community between engineering and architecture students on campus who have an...
- Armenian Engineers and Scientists Association An organization for anyone interested in Engineering and Science in the Armenian community.
- Artificial Intelligence at UCLA AI at UCLA is the premier artificial intelligence and machine learning club at UCLA. We throw workshops and also hold reading groups!
- Association for Computing Machinery - Women ACM-W supports, celebrates, and advocates for the full engagement of all who are interested in computer science. Additionally, ACM-W endeavors to increase all aspects of diversity in the technical...
- Biomedical Engineering Society The purpose of UCLA BMES is to provide students interested in Biomedical Engineering with a place to meet and collaborate with other interested individuals. UCLA BMES promotes community and builds...
- Bruin Amateur Radio Club Founded in 1947, W6YRA is an association of amateur radio enthusiasts seeking to have fun while promoting the general welfare of radio as a whole.
- Bruin Engineering Network The Bruin Engineering Network (BEN) is a mentorship organization targeted towards students in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science (HSSEAS). The organization is framed in an...
- Bruin Home Solutions We're making impact - one building at a time. Bruin Home Solutions is working to retrofit UCLA dorms and buildings that our community uses everyday to be more sustainable and environmentally...
- Bruin Spacecraft Group Bruin Space has been founded with the intent of providing a creative and supportive environment for space mission design and development at UCLA. Bruin Space seeks to expand, support, and promote...
- Building Engineers and Mentors at UCLA (BEAM) Building Engineers and Mentors (BEAM) at UCLA was created to provide K-12 students across the Los Angeles area with engaging, hands-on activities that promote interest in science, technology,...
- Chinese Mechanical and Aerospace Society Mission: To increase the representative of Chinsese students at UCLA; To boost mechanical and aerospace enigneering students' peformance in academic, career and social networking; To enhance the...
- Computer Science Graduate Student Associations Computer Science Graduate Student Associations is a student group within computer science department of UCLA. Our purpose is to make the Computer Science Graduate Community on UCLA campus more active...
- Cybersecurity & Cryptography Club The mission of the Cybersecurity and Cryptography Club is to educate members about modern cybersecurity practices, including encryption methods and protocols, password protection, and intrusion...
- DB Change 9/13 hfkjbsagfjab
- Design/Build/Fly at UCLA The annual Design/Build/Fly competition brings in schools from all over the world to provide real-world aircraft design experience for engineering students. Teams are tasked with designing,...
- DevX DevX aims to solve frustrations Bruins face through their times at UCLA, whether that be an easier way to contact student government, facilitate better textbook exchanges or introduce strong...
- Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Student Chapter at UCLA UCLA EERI is the student chapter of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) at the University of California - Los Angeles. The objective of our chapter is to encourage student interest...
- Electrical Engineering Graduates and Postdoctoral Society We are an organization within the Electrical Engineering department that aims to provide a social and professional community for Electrical Engineering past, previous, and future graduate students,...
- Engineering Ambassador Program The Engineering Ambassador Program aims to showcase the quality of our undergraduate engineering experience through the strength of our academic programs, the richness of student life, and access to...
- Engineering Graduate Students Association Engineering Graduate Students Association (eGSA) of UCLA represents the graduate students of the seven departments of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (HSSEAS). We host...
- Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is the world's largest international society of biomedical engineers. EMBS provides its members with access to the people, mentors, practices,...
- Engineering Society at UCLA To serve the UCLA engineering community. To coordinate activities with all the engineering related student groups on campus. To plan engineering pride events such as Engineering Welcome Day and...
- Engineers Without Borders Engineers Without Borders is an organization of student and professional engineers who partner with disadvantaged communities to improve their lifestyle and living standards through the design and...
- EnJEWneering Society An organization for Jewish engineers to meet other Jewish engineers.
- Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN) Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) is a unique organization dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the electrical and computer engineering fields. Members consist of students, alumni, and other...
- Formula Drone at UCLA Formula Drone at UCLA is a chapter of Formula Drone, an organization founded by UCLA students with a mission of making the emerging sport of drone racing more accessible to college students. By...
- Formula SAE Formula SAE was created with the goal of giving engineering students the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge in a practical team environment. Members will design, build, and test a formula-style...
- Graduate Student Water Resources Group Any graduate student or post doc at UCLA who is interested in or does research on water are eligible to be members, and benefit for sharing interdisciplinary approaches to water issues. The GSWRG,...
- Hyperloop Club at UCLA Our objective is to design and build Hyperloop pod systems and develop advanced thermal, electronic, mechanical, and magnetic technologies for Hyperloop. We aim to build a scale pod to race in...
- Ice Cream Engineering at UCLA The purpose of this club is to promote food chemistry. We will utilize chemical principles to develop ice cream for the community both as social events and learning opportunities. ...
- IEEE - WIE Our organization aims to create a supportive community for female engineering students by promoting mentorship, retention, social justice, and outreach.
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers at UCLA Our award winning student branch here at UCLA was founded in 1963. We have devoted our energies towards bringing hands-on, practical experiences to engineering students throughout the campus, as well...
- Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE is a student organization that provides its members with information and experience in Transportation Engineering and Planning in the real world. We give students the opportunity to see and visit...
- International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering The UCLA chapter of the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering is the premier organization for students interested in biotechnology and pharmaceutical science. ISPE will boost your...
- IT-71029 Rereg Test 1 APPDEV-6809 Test 1 IT-71029 Rereg Test 1...
- Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association at UCLA KSEA, short for Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association, is established in 1971 as a non-profit professional organization. It has now grown to over 4500 registered active undergraduate,...
- Materials Research Society The Materials Research Society (MRS) Student Chapter at UCLA is the academic, professional and social organization for students interested in materials science. MRS competes in the international...
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Graduate Council The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Graduate Council works to provide UCLA MAE graduate students with a voice within their department. The Council is responsible for running quarterly social...
- MentorSEAS Founded in 2011, MentorSEAS is the official UCLA Engineering school-wide mentorship program that is provided automatically for all first-year freshmen and transfer students. We work closely with OASA...
- NetSec Our purpose is to hold practical security training workshops, compete in CTF challenges, and prepare members for future study or industry jobs in Cyber Security.
- Optical Society of America/Society for Optical Engineering Student Chapter We are the student chapter of Optical Society of America (OSA) and the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) at UCLA.
- Optimize testtttt Minification (also minimisation or minimization), in computer programming languages and especially JavaScript, is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from source code without changing...
- Pilipinos In Engineering and Science Pilipinos In Engineering is an academic club on campuses that is focused on providing Pilipino students, as well as students of all backgrounds, resources and support in order to become successful...
- RCO test on 12/9 New org for RCO- on 12/9 for edit profile
- Renewable Energy Association at UCLA The “Renewable Energy Association (REA) at UCLA” strives to cultivate an understanding of the importance of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and biofuel,...
- Rocket Project at UCLA The Rocket Project at UCLA is an engineering organization in the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering, and is associated with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) chapter...
- Sales Engineering Club at UCLA The Sales Engineering Club at UCLA serves to increase student awareness and interest of sales engineering as a rewarding career path. We seek to provide students opportunities to network within the...
- Science Olympiad at UCLA Science Olympiad is currently the most exciting K-12 science competition in the United States. For the past 30 years or so, it has really shown students what it takes to become future leaders in...
- Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) is the first and only organization of Asian scientists and engineers. With collegiate and professional chapters nationwide, SASE pushes for...
- Society of Automotive Engineers Society of Automotive Engineers provides real-world, team-oriented experience for students through the process of designing, building, and racing an off-road vehicle.
- Society of Women Engineers The Society of Women Engineers is a national society that has been encouraging females to aspire, advance, and achieve their full potential in the fields of engineering and science. We are devoted to...
- SOLES (Society of Latino Engineers and Scientists) To address the issue of the low number of Latino students enrolling in four year universities, especially in the areas of engineering and science, as well as to provide support for the Latino...
- Supermileage Vehicle SAE SuperMileage Vehicle is a club where we design and build a single-person, lightweight gasoline-powered vehicle that will obtain the highest possible fuel efficiency. Members will be able to gain...
- Synthetic Biology Club Synthetic Biology Club at UCLA collaborates to design and build novel, useful synthetic organisms as well as foster discussion and interest in synthetic biology in general. We are also UCLA's...
- Tau Beta Pi, The Engineering Honor Society To mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their Alma Mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as students in engineering, or by their attainment as alumni in...
- Technical Entrepreneurial Community TEC strives to create a strong culture of entrepreneurship within the technical community at UCLA by bridging the gap between interested students, faculty, alumni, and administrators. TEC serves as a...
- Test Org - 1/23 Test Org - 1/23
- test test test test test
- The California Geotechnical Engineering Association at UCLA We of the CalGeo Student Chapter at UCLA have a simple goal, to build lasting connections between the academic and industrial faces in the field of Geotechnical Earthquake engineering. We present...
- Theta Tau at UCLA We are co-ed professional engineering fraternity at UCLA seeking to promote professionalism, service, and brotherhood among its members. For professionalism we develop and nurture engineers with...
- Triangle Fraternity Triangle's purpose is to develop balanced men in the fields of Engineering, Architecture, and Science by providing an environment which fosters personal growth and professional success. We are very...
- United Korean STEM Association The purpose of United Korean STEM Association, shortly UKSA, is to provide a supportive atmosphere for in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields of study among Korean...
- Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at UCLA Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) @ UCLA is a team of students working together to design, manufacture, and test an autonomous drone for competition in a mock search-and-rescue mission. Last year we...
- Upsilon Pi Epsilon, The Computer Science Honor Society Upsilon Pi Epsilon is an honor society whose members are among the most outstanding undergraduate and graduate Computer Science students at UCLA. UPE holds events for members and students aiming to...