- Bronies@UCLA The goal of this club is to form a creative and intellectual network of UCLA and Southern Californian My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fans based in Los Angeles.
- Bruin Newsroom Bruin Newsroom is a student-run media group dedicated to providing students with their “fix” on campus. We release videos covering the campus happenings and produce special features illuminating both...
- BruinLife Yearbook Founded in 1919, the BruinLife yearbook is the most historical, all-inclusive (and second-largest) publication on campus. We strive to give the UCLA campus, an accurate reflection of the school year...
- Channel Opportunity Channel Opportunity is a student service group that assists in promoting employment opportunities for clients of homeless shelters and transitional housings in Los Angeles by shooting video resume...
- Collaborative Game Development Our club's main focus is to develop games as a team. Club members will collaborate together to create a variety of games. Our club is open to anyone that has an interest in creating games. We want to...
- Enigma: The Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Gaming Club at UCLA The guys and gals in Enigma run the gamut from undergrads to graduate students and alumni, from the very heart of South Campus, to the statue-infested wilds of North Campus. If you're interested in...
- FAST at UCLA (Fashion and Student Trends) FAST is UCLA’s first and only fashion club. FAST hosts an annual runway show featuring student models and designers. In addition, FAST hosts various workshops, editorial shoots, and career-building...
- Ha'am: UCLA's Jewish News-Magazine Ha'Am is the official student-run Jewish newsmagazine at UCLA. Our goal is to keep you informed regarding all matters of interest to Jewish communities on campus and around the world.
- Her Campus at UCLA Her Campus at UCLA is the UCLA chapter of Her Campus, an online women's magazine dedicated to providing all collegiettes with a complete guide to college life!
- Nerdfighters at UCLA The Nerdfighters at UCLA help nerds, geeks and pop-culture enthusiasts identify other like-minded people on campus by hosting weekly meetings (Nerdfighter gatherings) and organizing regular outings...
- NOMMO Newsmagazine NOMMO Newsmagazine is designed to appeal to those who have an interest in all aspects of community organizing and affecting change in education, arts, and social issues that positively or negatively...
- Pacific Islands Students Association 03/08 The purpose of this organization shall be to: Promote the interests of Pacific Island students at UCLA. Promote the identity of Pacific Island cultures on campus. Enhance our awareness of the...
- Pacific Ties Newsmagazine We are a web newsmagazine distributed by UCLA Student Media in Los Angeles, California. We are the oldest student-run Asian and Pacific Islander newsmagazine in the nation. Since 1977, we have...
- Photography Club at UCLA We are a student organization that wishes to build a community in which photographers of all skill ranges from amateur to professional, can meet, socialize and learn more about photographic...
- Satyr Satyr is UCLA’s finest humor magazine. Founded on the belief that there can never be enough sardonic references, moronic witticisms, or profound stupidity in the world. This publication strives to...
- Social Media Consulting (SMC) As technology integrates with our daily lives and identity, the use of social media and a desire for strong personal branding is on the rise. Every individual and business can utilize social media...
- Student Journalist Association Journalism interest at UCLA
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- The Intercollegiate Finance Journal at UCLA Our Mission Our mission is to provide fresh and engaging perspectives on how finance interacts with all aspects of students’ lives. Who We Are The Intercollegiate Finance Journal (IFJ) is a...
- The Tab at UCLA The Tab is an online university news network that spans across 100 campuses in the US and UK, breaking stories and shooting original videos that are seen around the world. Here at UCLA, we report...
- UCLA Radio (Formerly UCLA Radio is made up of over 150 unique, creative, and passionate students dedicated to bringing quality programming to our listeners. UCLA Radio has been broadcasting on campus since 1962, when we...