03/07 test update test profile...
- a a
- Animatrix: the Graduate Journal of Animation The Animatrix is an animation-based journal written and published by graduate students and alumni from the UCLA School of Film and Television. Each edition contains exclusive interviews with...
APPDEV-11032 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. APPDEV-11032 New Registration - Cancelled APPDEV-11032 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. APPDEV-11032 New Registration - Cancelled
- APPDEV-11032 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. Re-Registration We use the arts to build community amongst creatives/artists of African descent on and off campus. Our mission is to foster a platform that supports artists at UCLA and beyond by providing space,...
APPDEV-11047 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. FSL Re-Registration 11/18: APPDEV-11047 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. FSL Re-Registration Test...
- APPDEV-11198 - "Not Displayed" on Public Search APPDEV-11198 - "Not Displayed" on Public Search
APPDEV-11198 Two Signatory Hidden APPDEV-11198 Two Signatory Hidden
- APPDEV-11358 2023 01 23 1/23: APPDEV-11358 2023 01 23
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- APPDEV-6821 9/20 Reg Test 1 APPDEV-6821
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APPDEV-8718 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. Profile Update 2 The Writer's Den is a group of UCLA students who enjoy creative writing as both an academic and a recreational pursuit and are aware of the shortage of creative writing opportunities available to...
APPDEV-8718 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. Re-Registration 2 Test
APPDEV-8718 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. Registration 11/14 APPDEV-8718 `~!@#$%^&()-_+=[]{};',. Registration 11/14
- Architecture & Urban Design Student Journal and Culture Committee The Architecture & Urban Design Student Journal and Culture Committee is the student committee behind the journal POOL and related events. POOL is the student journal of the Department of...
- Art and Health Graduate Collaborative The organization is a networking and resource sharing platform for graduate students working in the arts and public health.
- Art History Graduate Students Association The Art History Graduate Student Association is an association established to represent the needs and interests of the graduate students. The association elects its own officers and student...
- Art History Undergraduate Student Association The Art History Undergraduate Student Association (AHUSA) was created to provide a space for students interested in Art History to connect with each other, the faculty, and the various opportunities...
- Art Law Society The Art Law Society at UCLA School of Law is a group of law students interested in the arts and the legal aspects of the art world. The Society’s mission is to provide a forum for students to explore...
- Art Majors Association The Art Majors Association aims to create more exhibitions of Art student work across campus, as well as look into alternative spaces to hold shows. We also host events such as readings, lectures,...
- Art Science Undergraduate Society 1. Build an undergraduate community of artists and scientists to foster new perspectives. 2. To explore the work of other artists/scientists. 3. To provide an opportunity for students to bring...
- Artifacts Artifacts shall promote the social and professional growth of its members and support the Department of Information Studies. It will provide students at UCLA with the opportunity to explore...
- Atlas Exhibition Team Atlas is an exhibition dance team based at UCLA. We aim to foster a safe learning community in order to explore expression through our growth, varied understandings, and backgrounds of dance, as both...
- attachment file test 1 file test
- Awaken A Cappella UCLA's first a cappella group, as well as Southern California's oldest co-ed collegiate group, with a passion for sharing feel good throwbacks and Top 40 hits. Former members include 6-time Grammy...
BA-8599 APPDEV-8718 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 12 12 12/12: BA-8599 APPDEV-8718 SOLE Re- Registration 2022 12 12 11/30: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 11 30 11/30: APPDEV-6821 9/16 Reg Test...
BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 11 23 11/23: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 11 23 new org 11/8 reregister new org to...
- BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 12 05 12/5: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration 2022 12 05 12/5:...
BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration Deny 2022 12 05 (2) 12/5: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Re-Registration Deny 2022 12 05 (2) 12/5: Email Test...
- BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration 2022 11 30 11/30: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration 2022 11 30...
- BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration Deny 2022 12 05 (2) 12/5: BA-9780 APPDEV-11101 SOLE Registration Deny 2022 12 05 (2)...
- baldwin new 11/15 reregister1 a
- Bruin Animated Filmmakers at UCLA A flexible network open to all UCLA students interested in any form of animation, providing opportunities for team formation, project critique and development, and inter-departmental exchange of...
- Bruin Film Society The Bruin Film Society is UCLA's only resident undergraduate student organization dedicated to the sole purpose of showing and experiencing quality film and cinema from all genres and decades. The...
- Bruin LIGHTS (formerly LIGHTS) BruinLIGHTS is a community service based organization that provides performing arts instruction for schools with a need for an arts-enrichment program. We aim to provide a safe and encouraging...
- Bruin Visual Arts Club The Bruins Visual Arts Club is a community for artists at UCLA. We aim to provide resources for artists in the form of supplies, workshops, and opportunities. In addition to resources, we are...
- Chinese Students Ballroom Dance Team Chinese Students Ballroom Dance Club is for students who are interested in ballroom dance.
- Chinese Students Modern Dance Team Chinese Students Modern Dance Team, also known as CSSA Modern, is established by a group of Chinese students with a shared passion for modern dance. Our purpose is to provide a community for Chinese...
- Colloquium for Oral and Popular Tradition Studies To sponsor the study of oral tradition and popular culture from humanistic and social scientific perspectives, both on the UCLA campus and in Los Angeles at large.
- Comparative Literature Undergraduate Association A student organization dedicated to promoting the study of languages and literature across cultures.
- Crank, The The UCLA Film & TV Archive is one of the biggest assets at UCLA. In an effort to share the Archive’s rich collection with the UCLA community, The Crank film society runs weekly film screenings that...
- Creative Labs Creative Labs is the supportive and collaborative creative community at UCLA. We organize quarter long group projects, workshops and competitions and host influential speakers from the industry.
- Critical Studies Graduate Student Association This program reflects and helps constitute the intellectual life of the department of Architecture and Urban Design at UCLA through scholarly colloquia, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, publications...
- Denizen Magazine UCLA's only online publication dedicated to the world of art, fashion, and beauty.
- Deviant Voices A Cappella Deviant Voices is an A Cappella group at UCLA that was started in Fall 2010 by a group of south campus majors who loved to sing, and who enjoyed mixing contemporary music with old classics, hip hop...
- Disney Club Disney Club at UCLA is an official UCLA organization and entertainment club that is dedicated to putting on magical events for UCLA Students! Our events happen multiple times per quarter and include...
- Fake Organization Where everything is fake.
- Fashion Design & Merchandising Fashion Design and Merchandising is an organization that seeks to give students the opportunity to learn about and engage in fashion design and merchandising through the promotion of apparel sales....
- FAST at UCLA (Fashion and Student Trends) FAST is UCLA’s first and only fashion club. FAST hosts an annual runway show featuring student models and designers. In addition, FAST hosts various workshops, editorial shoots, and career-building...
- Film & Photography Society (FPS) The Film and Photography Society (FPS) provides individuals passionate about multimedia a chance to come together, network, share knowledge, and produce high quality content. This offers an avenue...
- Fresh Productions Art at UCLA Fresh Productions Art ("Fresh Produce") is an official UCLA student group that promotes animation-focused art as well as traditional and digital illustration. We “freshly produce” art every meeting...
- Giri Test 2/12 Test
Giri Test Test Description
- Graduate Students Poetry Collective The Graduate Students Poetry Collective is a space for Graduate students to share their writing and the works of other poets.
- Hammer Student Association Formed in 2009, the Hammer Student Association (H.S.A.) is a UCLA student group that creates dynamic programs and content at the Hammer Museum by and for UCLA students. Working in collaboration with...
- Horn Press The Horn Press is a student-run organization dedicated to hand-press fine printing & the book arts. We are based in the UCLA Department of Information Studies and affiliated with the California...
- Humans in North Korea (HNK) at UCLA Humans in North Korea (HNK) is a social-science research and practice group at educational institutions, such as UCLA. HNK stands for human rights advocacy for the North Korean defectors in the...
- ICARUS Contemporary Dance Company ICARUS is a versatile, technical, creative family of dancers united by a common desire to shatter genre boundaries, defy visual expectation, and rewrite the rules of collaboration. Born from the rich...
- Indulge In Design InDe is a community of artistically-oriented thinkers and creators obsessed with designing innovative solutions to people’s problems. In order to achieve this goal, InDe cultivates and maintains an...
- Inspiral - Envisioned Student Ventures UCLA draws students from all walks of life – each with unique inspirations and aspirations. Some bring ideas, others bring ambitions, for a project of their vision of how the world should be. But the...
- Italian Graduate Student Conference Committee @ UCLA The Italian Graduate Student Conference is an interdisciplinary program that provides students from all UCLA Humanities Departments with an opportunity to present their research as well as to engage...
- KBM Dance KBM Dance is a K-pop dance cover team at UCLA founded in September, 2016. We're a group of UCLA Students who wish to share our love for K-pop and Korean hip-hop dance culture through their dance...
KC 06/05 test
- KC Test Org 05/28 This is a test description for Primary Advisor Grouper group.
- Kiwi Magazine Kiwi Magazine is a biannual arts and culture print publication focusing on genuine human experience. We are a group of creatives who are living, learning, and growing – creating art as a product of...
- Kris Reregister a
- LA Hacks LA Hacks is a student-run organization that brings students from around the world together to build creative and innovative solutions to the world's most pressing issues. Our mission is to foster a...
- Lapu, the Coyote that Cares Theatre Company (LCC) Lapu, the Coyote that Cares Theatre Company (LCC) is an Asian-American theatre company and was started because the founders, Randall Park, Derek Mateo, and David Lee, wanted to provide an...
- Magic and Illusion Student Team MIST holds weekly meetings to teach its members the art of performing magic. We routinely perform for various UCLA organizations and many community service events. Under the MAPS program, MIST...
- Message in a Melody Message in a Melody is a fundraising campaign for the Department of Pediatric Oncology at Mattel Children's Hospital. MIM focuses on using the power of live music to give back to the community...
- new org 11/09 new org
- Night of Cultura This organization is strives to create a yearly theatre, dance, and music production that unites and empowers the Chicano/a & Latino/a community on campus
- On That Note A Cappella On that Note is a Premier Co-Ed A Cappella group at UCLA founded on the belief that there is a place for anyone with a passion for music. On That Note’s early beginnings trace back to fun late-night...
- Organization Name (Version 3) - Re-registration test testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest testtest...
- Photography Club at UCLA We are a student organization that wishes to build a community in which photographers of all skill ranges from amateur to professional, can meet, socialize and learn more about photographic...
- Pilipino Recruitment and Enrichment Program The Pilipino Recruitment and Enrichment Program is a student-run organization that empowers and educates the underprivileged and underrepresented youth of the Los Angeles community. Our main goals...
- Poetry Garden at UCLA, The Purpose: 1. To create a safe space for writers and thinkers to practice listening, writing, and public speaking. 2. To encourage members to establish deep, genuine emotional connections with...
- Professional Music A group of professional singers, rappers, producers, photographers, videographers, and DJs. If you're serious about it, we have a place for you! Run by Triple Thr3at
- Project Inspiration Project Inspiration is a group that allows creative individuals to collaborate in making a masterpiece together. In this group, different musicians and artists bring their own artistic interpretation...
- Queer Arts Collective Queer Arts Collective is a UCLA organization under Queer Alliance that host guerrilla art actions and creative gathering for the queer creativity in us all, with a special emphasis in highlighting...
- Random Voices Random Voices, UCLA's premiere all-female a cappella group, was founded in 1999. In addition to hosting concerts, RV performs at various UCLA events, including Welcome to Bruin Life, as well as gigs...
- Rap Music Club Rap is a universal language; we believe our club should be representative of the diversity of the genre. As such, the Rap Music Club at UCLA is for everyone. Whether you want to make a mix-tape,...
- Rapid Fire Improv Rapid Fire Improv is UCLA's premier audition-based Improv team, dedicated to performing and promoting both short-form improvisation (comedy sports; improvisational exercises) and long-form...
- RCO Test 20161213 RCO Test 20161213
- Reprise Performance Troupe Reprise? Performance Troupe (founded in 2016) is a diverse group of artists devoted to de-stigmatizing and boosting awareness for the experiences of sexual assault survivors. Through our partnership...
- Resonance A Cappella Founded in 2012, Resonance began as a quintet that quickly grew in both size and sound, becoming one of the premiere vocal ensembles at UCLA. Over the past couple years, Resonance has established...
- SANAA - Social Awareness Network for Activism through Art SANAA is a multi-racial organization that promotes the expression of social justice concerns through the use of art in a community-based space. We seek to provide a venue for a network of individuals...
- Satyr Satyr is UCLA’s finest humor magazine. Founded on the belief that there can never be enough sardonic references, moronic witticisms, or profound stupidity in the world. This publication strives to...
- ScatterTones To promote a cappella music on the UCLA campus; to foster relationships with other a cappella groups on campus, throughout the area, and throughout the nation; to provide its members with a social...
- Shenanigans Comedy Club at UCLA 1. To understand, discuss and promote comedy as an art form. 2. To create live shows that encompass all acts of comedy, including improv/sketch shows, standup/sketch shows, and standup shows. 3. To...
- sig delete test reregister 2 testing using profile update and reregister
- Signatory Test Sig test
- Socially Motivated Art We are an organization in which students can come together and create projects through their own desired medium/form (i.e. painting, drawing, origami, photoshop, etc), while also maintaining a social...
- Student Committee for the Arts Founded in the summer of 1962 by Chancellor Franklin Murphy, the Student Committee for the Arts at UCLA is the student branch of the world renowned UCLA Live, formerly the UCLA Center for the...
- test 02/26/2018 update 03/07 test
- Test 04/08/22 Test 123
- Test 04/18 Testing
- test 04/2511 Registered Campus Organizations (RCOs) can find a variety funding sources on campus to support their programs. Student Organizations, Leadership & Engagement or SOLE (formerly CSP) Advisors provides...
- Test 06/13/2019 test
- Test 06/24 re Test
- test 09/17 profile re test
- Test 11/02 resubmit test
Test 11/23 Test 11/23
- Test 12345 Test
- Test 1234 Fill in random info
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- Test Org Image Test Org Image
Test Organization Images Test Organization Images
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testing APPDEV 11101 testing
testing APPDEV-11101 by donny testing
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- The Collective The Collective is a pre professional entertainment group for students with interest in the entertainment industry , including aspects of performance, marketing, event planing , etc. to create a...
- The iKNITiative The iKNITiative is a knitting club on campus that is dedicated to donating knitted goods to the community. The goal of the club is to spread the love of knitting to our peers while also spreading...
- The Modern Ethnography Initiative at UCLA (MEI at UCLA) The name of this group shall be The Modern Ethnography Initiative at UCLA (MEI). Dr. Kelly Kistner, of UCLA’s Undergraduate Research Center for Humanities Arts and Social Sciences will be the chosen...
- The Paper Mixtape Magazine TPM is an arts and culture mag produced by UCLA students. We are a creative community, print publication, and blog.
- Therapeutic Arts Group The mission of the Therapeutic Arts Group is to amplify the innate social-emotional benefits of the arts for wellness and healing through a volunteer program and educational events. a In partnership...
- USAC Cultural Affairs Commission The Cultural Affairs Commission is one out of the thirteen offices in USAC, the Undergraduate Student Association Council. The mission of the Cultural Affairs Commission (CAC) is to put on quality...
- voidLab voidLab is an intersectional feminist collective for women, non-binary, gender nonconforming, trans and queer people to express individual identities through arts and technologies.
- VSU Modern VSU Modern was established in 2006 at University of California, Los Angeles. We are now on our 12th year as a team, known as Mu Year, and we're excited to see this team grow even more! We started...
- Westwood Enabler, The Founded in 2014, The Westwood Enabler is a student-run satirical newspaper. Modeled off the Onion, The Enabler is dedicated to building a community of aspiring humor writers at UCLA as well as...
- World Arts & Cultures Graduate Student Organization The purposes of the World Arts and Cultures Graduate Student Organization are to 1) support its members' studies by sponsoring events on campus and by providing opportunities for graduate students to...
- World Arts and Cultures Undergraduate Society The World Arts and Cultures Undergraduate Society aims to provide an open line of communication between World Arts and Cultures undergraduate students and faculty, as well as offer performance and...